
CDC library for Postgres

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT



warp-pipe is a simple CDC tool for Postgres.

How does it work

warp-pipe supports two modes, depending on the version and configuration of Postgres that you are running:

Logical Replication (LR)


  • Postgres >= 9.5
  • wal2json
  • Logical replication enabled (via postgresql.conf)

You need to set up at least two parameters at postgresql.conf:

// postgresql.conf (changes require restart)
wal_level = logical
max_replication_slots = 1

In LR mode, warp-pipe will connect to a replication slot on your database using the wal2json output plugin, and emit Changesets via channel.

NOTE: You must set the appropriate REPLICA IDENTITY on your tables if you wish to expose old values in changesets. To learn more, see replica identity.



  • Postgres >= 9.4

In audit mode, warp-pipe creates a new schema (warp_pipe) with a changesets tables in your database to track modifications on your schema's tables. A trigger is registered with all configured tables to notify (via NOTIFY/LISTEN) when there are new changes to be read.


Install the warp-pipe library with:

go get github.com/perangel/warp-pipe

Install the library and daemon with:

go get github.com/perangel/warp-pipe/...


The demo shows how data in a Source DB can be accessed as a stream and used to sync to a Target DB.

  1. Creates two databases in Docker.
  2. Sets up a schema on the Source DB.
  3. Sets up a schema on the Target DB.
  4. Runs warp-pipe setup-db on the Source DB.
  5. Pauses to allow the user to load a front-end web application which loads Warp Pipe Changesets via websockets.
  6. Adds data to the Source DB.
  7. Runs axon to sync data from the Source to Target.


make demo
make demo-clean


Run a warp-pipe and stream changes from a Postgres database.

  warp-pipe [flags]
  warp-pipe [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  setup-db    Setup the source database
  teardown-db Teardown the `warp_pipe` schema

      --start-from-lsn int         stream all changes starting from the provided LSN (default -1)
      --start-from-id int          stream all changes starting from the provided changeset ID (default -1)
      --start-from-ts int          stream all changes starting from the provided timestamp (default -1)
  -M, --replication-mode string    replication mode (default "lr")
  -i, --ignore-tables strings      tables to ignore during replication
  -w, --whitelist-tables strings   tables to include during replication
  -H, --db-host string             database host
  -d, --db-name string             database name
  -P, --db-pass string             database password
  -p, --db-port int                database port
  -U, --db-user string             database user
  -L, --log-level string           log level (default "info")
  -h, --help                       help for warp-pipe

Use "warp-pipe [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Flag Environment Variable Description Mode
--start-from-lsn START_FROM_LSN Sets the logical sequence number from which to start logical replication lr
--start-from-id START_FROM_ID Sets the changeset ID from which to start relaying changesets audit
--start-from-ts START_FROM_TIMESTAMP Sets the timestamp from which to start replaying changesets audit
-M, --replication-mode REPLICATION_MODE Sets the replication mode to one of audit or lr (logical replication) (see: requirements) *
-i, --ignore-tables IGNORE_TABLES Specify tables to exclude from replication. *
-w, --whitelist-tables WHITELIST_TABLES Specify tables to include during replication. *
-H, --db-host DB_HOST The database host. *
-d, --db-name DB_NAME The database name. *
-P, --db-pass DB_PASS The database password. *
-p, --db-port DB_PORT The database port. *
-U, --db-user DB_USER The database user. *
-L, --log-level LOG_LEVEL Sets the logging level *

Additional Reading