
A paper list for aspect based sentiment analysis.

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This is a curated list of "Aspect-Based-Sentiment-Analysis" papers. We strongly encourage the NLP researchers who are interested in this topic to make pull request to add or update the papers.



Aspect Term Extraction

  • [AAAI-19]: A Unified Model for Opinion Target Extraction and Target Sentiment Prediction. [paper] [code]

Aspect-oriented Sentiment Classification

  • [SemEval-14]: SemEval-2014 Task 4: Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis. [paper] [data]

  • [ACL-14]: Adaptive Recursive Neural Network for Target-dependent Twitter Sentiment Classification. [paper] [data]

  • [EMNLP-18]: Document-level multi-aspect sentiment classification as machine comprehension. [paper] [code]

  • [EMNLP-19]: A Challenge Dataset and Effective Models for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. [paper] [data]

  • [NAACL-21]: ASAP: A Chinese Review Dataset Towards Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis and Rating Prediction. [paper][code]

  • [FABSA]: An aspect-based sentiment analysis dataset of Customer Feedback reviews [paper][data]

Target-oriented Opinion Words Extraction

  • [NAACL-19]: Target-oriented Opinion Words Extraction with Target-fused Neural Sequence Labeling. [paper] [data]

Aspect Pair-Triplet-Quadruple Extraction

  • [ACL-20]: SpanMlt: A Span-based Multi-Task Learning Framework for Pair-wise Aspect and Opinion Terms Extraction. [paper]

  • [ACL-20]: Synchronous Double-channel Recurrent Network for Aspect-Opinion Pair Extraction. [paper]

  • [AAAI-20]: Knowing What, How and Why: A Near Complete Solution for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-20]: Position-Aware Tagging for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction. [paper]

  • [Finding of EMNLP-20]: Grid Tagging Scheme for Aspect-oriented Fine-grained Opinion Extraction. [paper]

  • [ACL-21]: Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple Extraction with Implicit Aspects and Opinions. [paper] [code]

Few-shot Aspect Category Detection

  • [ACL-21]: Multi-Label Few-Shot Learning for Aspect Category Detection. [paper]

ARTS(Adversarial datasets)

  • [EMNLP-20]: Tasty Burgers, Soggy Fries: Probing Aspect Robustness in Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis.[paper]

Paper List

Subtask 1: Aspect Term Extraction

  • [AAAI-17]: Coupled Multi-Layer Attentions for Co-Extraction of Aspect and Opinion Terms. [paper]

  • [ACL-17]: An Unsupervised Neural Attention Model for Aspect Extraction. [paper] [code]

  • [IJCAI-18]: Aspect Term Extraction with History Attention and Selective Transformation. [paper]

  • [ACL-18]: Double Embeddings and CNN-based Sequence Labeling for Aspect Extraction. [paper] [code]

  • [EMNLP-18]: Summarizing Opinions: Aspect Extraction Meets Sentiment Prediction and They Are Both Weakly Supervised.[paper]

  • [ACL-19]: Exploring Sequence-to-Sequence Learning in Aspect Term Extraction. [paper]

  • [ACL-19]: Neural Aspect and Opinion Term Extraction with Mined Rules as Weak Supervision.[paper][code]

  • [AAAI-19]: A Unified Model for Opinion Target Extraction and Target Sentiment Prediction. [paper] [code]

  • [IJCAI-19]: Unsupervised Neural Aspect Extraction with Sememes.[paper]

  • [ACL-19]: DOER: Dual Cross-Shared RNN for Aspect Term-Polarity Co-Extraction. [paper] [code]

  • [ACL-19]: An Interactive Multi-Task Learning Network for End-to-End Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. [paper] [code]

  • [ACL-19]: Open-Domain Targeted Sentiment Analysis via Span-Based Extraction and Classification. [paper] [code]

  • [EMNLP-19]: Transferable End-to-End Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Selective Adversarial Learning. [paper] [code]

  • [EMNLP-19]: Coupling Global and Local Context for Unsupervised Aspect Extraction.[paper]

  • [EMNLP-19]: Leveraging Just a Few Keywords for Fine-Grained Aspect Detection Through Weakly Supervised Co-Training.[paper]

  • [Arxiv-20]: Jointly Modeling Aspect and Sentiment with Dynamic Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks. [paper]

  • [Arxiv-20]: An Iterative Knowledge Transfer Network with Routing for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [Arxiv-20]: A Dependency Syntactic Knowledge Augmented Interactive Architecture for End-to-End Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [ACL-20]: Conditional Augmentation for Aspect Term Extraction via Masked Sequence-to-Sequence Generation. [paper]

  • [ACL-20]: Embarrassingly Simple Unsupervised Aspect Extraction.[paper]

  • [EMNLP-20]: Weakly-Supervised Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis via Joint Aspect-Sentiment Topic Embedding. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-20]: Enhancing Aspect Term Extraction with Soft Prototypes. [paper]

  • [COLING-20]: Constituency Lattice Encoding for Aspect Term Extraction. [paper]

  • [COLING-20]: POD: Positional Dependency-Based Word Embedding for Aspect Term Extraction. [paper]

  • [COLING-20]: Syntactically Aware Cross-Domain Aspect and Opinion Terms Extraction. [paper]

  • [ACL-21]: Bridge-Based Active Domain Adaptation for Aspect Term Extraction. [paper][code]

Subtask 2: Aspect-oriented Sentiment Classification

  • [ACL-14]: Adaptive Recursive Neural Network for Target-dependent Twitter Sentiment Classification. [paper] [data]

  • [NIPS-14-workshop]: Aspect Specific Sentiment Analysis using Hierarchical Deep Learning. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-15]: PhraseRNN: Phrase Recursive Neural Network for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [COLING-16]: Effective LSTMs for Target-Dependent Sentiment Classification. [paper] [data]

  • [EMNLP-16]: Aspect Level Sentiment Classification with Deep Memory Network. [paper] [code]

  • [EMNLP-16]: Attention-based LSTM for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification. [paper] [code]

  • [EMNLP-16]: A Hierarchical Model of Reviews for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-16]: Recursive Neural Conditional Random Fields for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [IJCAI-17]: Interactive Attention Networks for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification. [paper] [code]

  • [CIKM-17]: Dyadic Memory Networks for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-17]: Recurrent Attention Network on Memory for Aspect Sentiment Analysis. [paper] [code]

  • [WWW-18]: Content Attention Model for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis. [paper] [code]

  • [AAAI-18]: Learning to Attend via Word-Aspect Associative Fusion for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [AAAI-18]: Learning Latent Opinions for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification. [paper]

  • [ACL-18]: Exploiting Document Knowledge for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification. [paper] [code]

  • [ACL-18]: Target-Sensitive Memory Networks for Aspect Sentiment Classification. [paper]

  • [ACL-18]: Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis with Gated Convolutional Networks. [paper] [code]

  • [ACL-18]: Transformation Networks for Target-Oriented Sentiment Classification. [paper] [code]

  • [IJCAI-18]: Aspect Sentiment Classification with both Word-level and Clause-level Attention Networks. [paper]

  • [COLING-18]: Effective Attention Modeling for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification. [paper]

  • [COLING-18]: Enhanced Aspect Level Sentiment Classification with Auxiliary Memory. [paper] [code]

  • [COLING-18]: A Position-aware Bidirectional Attention Network for Aspect-levelSentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-18]: Joint Aspect and Polarity Classification for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with End-to-End Neural Networks. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-18]: Multi-grained Attention Network for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification. [paper] [code]

  • [EMNLP-18]: Parameterized Convolutional Neural Networks for Aspect LevelSentiment Classification. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-18]: Sentiment Classification towards Question-Answering with Hierarchical Matching Network. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-18]: IARM: Inter-Aspect Relation Modeling with Memory Networks in Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. [paper] [code]

  • [NAACL-18]: Modeling Inter-Aspect Dependencies for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [SBP-BRiMS-18]: Aspect Level Sentiment Classification with Attention-over-Attention Neural Networks. [paper] [code]

  • [AAAI-19]: Exploiting Coarse-to-Fine Task Transfer for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification. [paper] [data]

  • [NAACL-19]: BERT Post-Training for Review Reading Comprehension and Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper] [code]

  • [NAACL-19]: Utilizing BERT for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysisvia Constructing Auxiliary Sentence. [paper] [code]

  • [ACL-19]: Progressive Self-Supervised Attention Learning forAspect-Level Sentiment Analysis. [paper] [code]

  • [ACL-19]: Transfer Capsule Network for Aspect Level Sentiment Classification. [paper] [code]

  • [ACL-19]: Aspect Sentiment Classification Towards Question-Answering with Reinforced Bidirectional Attention Network. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-19]: Aspect-based Sentiment Classification with Aspect-specific Graph Convolutional Networks. [paper] [code]

  • [EMNLP-19]: Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis Via Convolution over Dependency Tree. [paper] [code]

  • [EMNLP-19]: Capsule Network with Interactive Attention for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-19]: A Novel Aspect-Guided Deep Transition Model for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis. [paper] [code]

  • [EMNLP-19]: Syntax-Aware Aspect Level Sentiment Classification with Graph Attention Networks. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-19]: A Challenge Dataset and Effective Models for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. [paper] [code]

  • [EMNLP-19]: CAN: Constrained Attention Networks for Multi-Aspect Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [arXiv-19]: Attentional Encoder Network for Targeted Sentiment Classification. [paper] [code]

  • [arXiv-19]: Modeling Sentiment Dependencies with Graph Convolutional Networks for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification. [paper] [code]

  • [arXiv-19]: A Failure of Aspect Sentiment Classifiers and an Adaptive Re-weighting Solution. [paper]

  • [AAAI-20]: Replicate, Walk, and Stop on Syntax: an Effective Neural Network Model for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification. [paper][code]

  • [arXiv-20]: Exploiting Typed Syntactic Dependencies for Targeted Sentiment Classification Using Graph Attention Neural Network. [paper]

  • [ACL-20]: Relational Graph Attention Network for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper][code]

  • [ACL-20]: Aspect Sentiment Classification with Document-level Sentiment Preference Modeling. [paper]

  • [ACL-20]: Dependency Graph Enhanced Dual-transformer Structure for Aspect-based Sentiment Classification. [paper]

  • [ACL-20]: Modelling Context and Syntactical Features for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [ACL-20]: Relation-Aware Collaborative Learning for Unified Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-20]: Convolution over Hierarchical Syntactic and Lexical Graphs for Aspect Level Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-20]: Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning Networks for Aspect-Category Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-20]: Aspect Sentiment Classification with Aspect-Specific Opinion Spans. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-20]: Inducing Target-Specific Latent Structures for Aspect Sentiment Classification. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-20]: A Multi-Task Incremental Learning Framework with Category Name Embedding for Aspect-Category Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [Finding of EMNLP-20]: GRACE: Gradient Harmonized and Cascaded Labeling for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [Finding of EMNLP-20]: Octa: Omissions and Conflicts in Target-Aspect Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [Finding of EMNLP-20]: DomBERT: Domain-oriented Language Model for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [Finding of EMNLP-20]: Improving Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Gated Graph Convolutional Networks and Syntax-based Regulation. [paper]

  • [COLING-20]: Jointly Learning Aspect-Focused and Inter-Aspect Relations with Graph Convolutional Networks for Aspect Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [COLING-20]: METNet: A Mutual Enhanced Transformation Network for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [COLING-20]: Regrexit or not Regrexit: Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis in Polarized Contexts. [paper]

  • [COLING-20]: Understanding Pre-trained BERT for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [COLING-20]: Joint Aspect Extraction and Sentiment Analysis with Directional Graph Convolutional Networks. [paper]

  • [COLING-20]:Syntax-Aware Graph Attention Network for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification. [paper]

  • [COLING-20]:Attention Transfer Network for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification. [paper]

  • [COLING-20]:Label Correction Model for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [COLING-20]:Aspect-Category based Sentiment Analysis with Hierarchical Graph Convolutional Network. [paper]

  • [COLING-20]:Building Large-Scale English and Korean Datasets for Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis in Automotive Domain. [paper]

  • [NAACL-21]:Does syntax matter? A strong baseline for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with RoBERTa. [paper][code]

  • [NAACL-21]:Graph Ensemble Learning over Multiple Dependency Trees for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification. [paper]

  • [NAACL-21]:Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Type-aware Graph Convolutional Networks and Layer Ensemble. [paper][code]

  • [NAACL-21]:Adapting BERT for Continual Learning of a Sequence of Aspect Sentiment Classification Tasks. [paper][code]

  • [NAACL-21]:Selective Attention Based Graph Convolutional Networks for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification. [paper]

  • [ACL-21]:A Unified Generative Framework for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper][code]

  • [ACL-21]:Dual Graph Convolutional Networks for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper][code]

  • [ACL-21]:Deep Context- and Relation-Aware Learning for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [ACL-21]:Towards Generative Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. [paper][code]

  • [Finding of ACL-21]:DNN-driven Gradual Machine Learning for Aspect-Term Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [Finding of ACL-21]:Exploiting Position Bias for Robust Aspect Sentiment Classification. [paper][code]

  • [Finding of ACL-21]:Dynamic and Multi-Channel Graph Convolutional Networks for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. [paper][code]

  • [Finding of ACL-21]:Making Flexible Use of Subtasks: A Multiplex Interaction Network for Unified Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [Finding of ACL-21]:Cross-Domain Review Generation for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-21]:Beta Distribution Guided Aspect-aware Graph for Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis with Affective Knowledge. [paper][code]

  • [EMNLP-21]:Learning Implicit Sentiment in Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Supervised Contrastive Pre-Training. [paper][code]

  • [EMNLP-21]:To be Closer: Learning to Link up Aspects with Opinions. [paper][code]

  • [EMNLP-21]:Improving Federated Learning for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis via Topic Memories. [paper][code]

  • [EMNLP-21]:Solving Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis as a Text Generation Task. [paper][code]

  • [EMNLP-21]:CLASSIC: Continual and Contrastive Learning of Aspect Sentiment Classification Tasks. [paper][code]

  • [EMNLP-21]:BERT4GCN: Using BERT Intermediate Layers to Augment GCN for Aspect-based Sentiment Classification. [paper]

  • [ACL-22]:Discrete Opinion Tree Induction for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper][code]

  • [Finding of ACL-22]:Towards Unifying the Label Space for Aspect- and Sentence-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [Finding of ACL-22]:BiSyn-GAT+: Bi-Syntax Aware Graph Attention Network for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [Finding of ACL-22]:Incorporating Dynamic Semantics into Pre-Trained Language Model for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [NAACL-22]: Aspect Is Not You Need: No-aspect Differential Sentiment Framework for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [NAACL-22]: SSEGCN: Syntactic and Semantic Enhanced Graph Convolutional Network for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper][code]

  • [SIGIR-22]: Aspect Feature Distillation and Enhancement Network for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

Subtask 3: Document-level Multi-Aspect Sentiment Analysis

  • [EMNLP-18]: Document-level multi-aspect sentiment classification as machine comprehension. [paper] [code]

  • [COLING-18]: Document-level Multi-aspect Sentiment Classification by Jointly Modeling Users, Aspects, and Overall Ratings. [paper][code]

  • [NAACL-19]: A Variational Approach to Weakly Supervised Document-Level Multi-Aspect Sentiment Classification. [paper][code]

  • [EMNLP-19]: Human-Like Decision Making: Document-level Aspect Sentiment Classification via Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning. [paper]

  • [CIKM-19]: Document-Level Multi-Aspect Sentiment Classification for Online Reviews of Medical Experts. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-20]: Diversified Multiple Instance Learning for Document-Level Multi-Aspect Sentiment Classification. [paper]

  • [NAACL-21]: ASAP: A Chinese Review Dataset Towards Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis and Rating Prediction. [paper][code]

Subtask 4: Aspect Pair-Triplet-Quadruple Extraction

  • [AAAI-20]: Knowing What, How and Why: A Near Complete Solution for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [AAAI-20]: Target-Aspect-Sentiment Joint Detection for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. [paper][code]

  • [ACL-20]: SpanMlt: A Span-based Multi-Task Learning Framework for Pair-wise Aspect and Opinion Terms Extraction. [paper]

  • [ACL-20]: Synchronous Double-channel Recurrent Network for Aspect-Opinion Pair Extraction. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-20]: Position-Aware Tagging for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-20]: Deep Weighted MaxSAT for Aspect-based Opinion Extraction. [paper]

  • [Finding of EMNLP-20]: Grid Tagging Scheme for Aspect-oriented Fine-grained Opinion Extraction. [paper]

  • [ACL-21]: Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple Extraction with Implicit Aspects and Opinions. [paper] [code]

  • [ACL-21]: Learning Span-Level Interactions for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction. [paper] [code]

  • [ACL-22]: Enhanced Multi-Channel Graph Convolutional Network for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction. [paper] [code]

  • [Finding of ACL-21]: Semantic and Syntactic Enhanced Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-21]: Seeking Common but Distinguishing Difference, A Joint Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis Model. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-21]: Aspect Sentiment Quad Prediction as Paraphrase Generation. [paper] [code]

  • [EMNLP-21]: PASTE: A Tagging-Free Decoding Framework Using Pointer Networks for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction. [paper] [code]

  • [NAACL-22]: A Robustly Optimized BMRC for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction. [paper] [code]

  • [KDD-22]: Open-Domain Aspect-Opinion Co-Mining with Double-Layer Span Extraction. [paper] [code]

  • [SIGIR-22]: IAOTP: An Interactive End-to-End Solution for Aspect-Opinion Term Pairs Extraction. [paper]

Subtask 5: Cross-domain Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

  • [EMNLP-19]: Domain-Invariant Feature Distillation for Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-20]: Unified Feature and Instance Based Domain Adaptation for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. [paper]

  • [NAACL-22]: Generative Cross-Domain Data Augmentation for Aspect and Opinion Co-Extraction. [paper][code]

  • [SIGIR-22]: Graph Adaptive Semantic Transfer for Cross-domain Sentiment Classification. [paper]

Subtask 6: Target-oriented Opinion Words Extraction

  • [NAACL-19]: Target-oriented Opinion Words Extraction with Target-fused NeuralSequence Labeling. [paper] [code]

  • [AAAI-20]: Latent Opinions Transfer Network for Target-Oriented Opinion Words Extraction. [paper]

  • [EMNLP-20]: Introducing Syntactic Structures into Target Opinion Word Extraction with Deep Learning. [paper]

  • [TACL-21]: Attention-based Relational Graph Convolutional Network for Target-Oriented Opinion Words Extraction. [paper][code]

Subtask 7: Few-shot Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis

  • [ACL-21]: Multi-Label Few-Shot Learning for Aspect Category Detection. [paper]

  • [Finding of EMNLP 2022]: Label-Driven Denoising Framework for Multi-Label Few-Shot Aspect Category Detection. [paper][code]

Subtask 8: Multimodal Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis

  • [ACL-20]: Improving Multimodal Named Entity Recognition via Entity Span Detection with Unified Multimodal Transformer. [paper] [code]

  • [ACMMM-20]: Multimodal Representation with Embedded Visual Guiding Objects for Named Entity Recognition in Social Media Posts. [paper]

  • [AAAI-21]: RpBERT: A Text-image Relation Propagation-based BERT Model for Multimodal NER. [paper] [code]

  • [AAAI-21]: Multi-modal Graph Fusion for Named Entity Recognition with Targeted Visual Guidance. [paper] [code]

  • [NAACL-22]: ITA: Image-Text Alignments for Multi-Modal Named Entity Recognitione. [paper] [code]

  • [WSDM-22]: MAF: A General Matching and Alignment Framework for Multimodal Named Entity Recognition. [paper]

  • [SIGIR-22]: Hybrid Transformer with Multi-level Fusion for Multimodal Knowledge Graph Completion. [paper] [code]

  • [ACMMM-22]: Learning from Different text-image Pairs: A Relation-enhanced Graph Convolutional Network for Multimodal NER. [paper] [code]

  • [IJCAI-19]: Adapting BERT for Target-Oriented Multimodal Sentiment Classification. [paper] [code]

  • [ACMMM-21]: Exploiting BERT For Multimodal Target Sentiment Classification Through Input Space Translation. [paper] [code]

  • [IJCAI-22]: Targeted Multimodal Sentiment Classification based on Coarse-to-Fine Grained Image-Target Matching. [paper] [code]

  • [COLING-22]: Learning from Adjective-Noun Pairs: A Knowledge-enhanced Framework for Target-Oriented Multimodal Sentiment Classification. [paper] [code]

  • [EMNLP-21]: Joint Multi-Modal Aspect-Sentiment Analysis with Auxiliary Cross-Modal Relation Detection. [paper] [code]

  • [ACL-22]: Vision-Language Pre-Training for Multimodal Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. [paper] [code]


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!



Wei Feng


Jordan Clive
