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A repository to keep track of problem solving practice, containing solutions from platforms:

  • Codeforces

Codeforces is a website which hosts competitive programming contests:


# Title Solution Tags Submitted
144 A - Cancel the Trains GNU C++17 implementation *800 Dec/22/2020 14:10
143 B - Dubious Cyrpto GNU C++17 binary search brute force math number theory *1500 Jul/29/2020 12:24
142 C1 - Prefix Flip (Easy Version) GNU C++17 constructive algorithms data structures strings *1300 Jul/21/2020 20:57
141 B - Sequential Nim GNU C++17 dp games *1100 Jul/21/2020 20:39
140 A - Common Subsequence GNU C++17 brute force *800 Jul/21/2020 20:08
139 D - Bad Luck Island GNU C++17 dp probabilities *1900 Jul/09/2020 18:26
138 E - Pashmak and Graph GNU C++17 dp sortings *1900 Jul/08/2020 11:22
137 D - Ehab and another another xor problem GNU C++17 bitmasks constructive algorithms implementation interactive *2000 Jul/08/2020 07:54
136 D - Pair of Numbers GNU C++17 binary search brute force data structures math two pointers *2000 Jun/29/2020 19:23
135 D - Memory and Scores GNU C++17 combinatorics dp math *2200 Jun/29/2020 11:23
134 E - Wet Shark and Blocks GNU C++17 dp matrices *2000 Jun/28/2020 10:39
133 D - Round Subset GNU C++17 dp math *2100 Jun/27/2020 09:53
132 D - The Fair Nut and the Best Path GNU C++17 dp trees *1800 Jun/26/2020 11:18
131 D - Colorful Points GNU C++17 data structures greedy implementation *2100 Jun/26/2020 08:45
130 E - Post Lamps GNU C++17 brute force greedy *2100 Jun/24/2020 12:45
129 D - Perfect Groups GNU C++17 dp math number theory *2100 Jun/24/2020 11:06
128 E - Inverse Coloring GNU C++17 combinatorics dp math *2100 Jun/23/2020 11:23
127 D - Sand Fortress GNU C++17 binary search constructive algorithms math *2100 Jun/20/2020 11:35
126 C - Game On Leaves GNU C++17 games trees *1600 Jun/02/2020 00:26
125 B - Subsequence Hate GNU C++17 implementation strings *1400 May/31/2020 20:26
124 A - Odd Selection GNU C++17 brute force implementation math *1200 May/31/2020 20:09
123 B - Password GNU C++17 binary search dp hashing string suffix structures strings *1700 May/26/2020 01:09
122 G - A/B Matrix GNU C++14 constructive algorithms greedy math *1900 May/25/2020 01:09
121 D - Powerful array GNU C++14 data structures implementation math two pointers *2200 May/08/2020 20:09
120 D - Walk on Matrix GNU C++14 bitmasks constructive algorithms math *1700 May/03/2020 22:16
119 C - K-Complete Word GNU C++14 dfs and similar dsu greedy implementation strings *1500 May/03/2020 21:09
118 B - Composite Coloring GNU C++14 brute force constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *1400 May/03/2020 20:56
117 A - Exercising Walk GNU C++14 greedy implementation math *1100 May/03/2020 20:18
116 D - Nastya and Scoreboard GNU C++14 bitmasks dp greedy *1700 Apr/23/2020 21:38
115 C - Nastya and Strange Generator GNU C++14 greedy implementation *1500 Apr/23/2020 21:00
114 B - Nastya and Door GNU C++14 greedy implementation *1300 Apr/23/2020 20:43
113 A - Nastya and Rice GNU C++14 math *900 Apr/23/2020 20:20
112 C - Alternating Subsequence Java 11 dp greedy two pointers *1200 Apr/22/2020 23:44
111 B - Balanced Array Java 11 constructive algorithms math *800 Apr/22/2020 22:47
110 A - Candies Java 11 brute force math *900 Apr/22/2020 21:50
109 B - Kana and Dragon Quest game Java 11 greedy implementation math *900 Apr/21/2020 09:56
108 A - Ichihime and Triangle Java 11 constructive algorithms math *800 Apr/21/2020 09:51
107 C - Linova and Kingdom GNU C++14 dfs and similar dp greedy sortings trees *1600 Apr/16/2020 00:23
106 D - Xenia and Colorful Gems GNU C++14 binary search data structures implementation math sortings *1700 Apr/15/2020 21:04
105 D - Fox And Jumping GNU C++14 bitmasks brute force dp math *1900 Apr/15/2020 11:23
104 B - Mike and Feet GNU C++14 binary search data structures dp dsu *1900 Apr/14/2020 01:03
103 C - Table Decorations GNU C++14 greedy *1800 Apr/12/2020 11:52
102 A - Cut Ribbon GNU C++14 brute force dp *1300 Apr/12/2020 00:48
101 B - Middle Class GNU C++14 greedy sortings *1100 Apr/10/2020 20:22
100 A - Level Statistics GNU C++14 implementation math *1200 Apr/10/2020 20:16
99 C - Eugene and an array GNU C++14 binary search data structures implementation two pointers *1700 Apr/09/2020 09:37
98 B - Kind Anton GNU C++14 greedy implementation *1100 Apr/09/2020 09:08
97 A - Little Artem GNU C++14 constructive algorithms *1000 Apr/09/2020 08:50
96 C - Dreamoon Likes Coloring GNU C++14 constructive algorithms greedy *1800 Apr/03/2020 21:35
95 B - Dreamoon Likes Permutations GNU C++14 implementation math *1400 Apr/03/2020 20:46
94 A - Dreamoon and Ranking Collection GNU C++14 implementation *900 Apr/03/2020 20:16
93 E - Blood Cousins GNU C++14 binary search data structures dfs and similar trees *2100 Mar/27/2020 11:17
92 E - Tree Queries GNU C++14 dfs and similar graphs trees *1900 Mar/27/2020 09:57
91 C - Ternary XOR GNU C++14 greedy implementation *1200 Mar/26/2020 20:21
90 A - Divisibility Problem GNU C++14 math *800 Mar/26/2020 20:07
89 C - Circular RMQ GNU C++14 data structures *2200 Mar/26/2020 18:08
88 D - Distinct Characters Queries GNU C++14 data structures *1600 Mar/26/2020 15:41
87 C - Subsequences GNU C++14 data structures dp *1900 Mar/26/2020 10:55
86 C - Sereja and Brackets GNU C++14 data structures schedules *2000 Mar/25/2020 17:40
85 E - Enemy is weak GNU C++14 data structures trees *1900 Mar/25/2020 12:28
84 D - Pashmak and Parmida's problem GNU C++14 data structures divide and conquer sortings *1800 Mar/25/2020 11:40
83 D - Xenia and Bit Operations GNU C++14 data structures trees *1700 Mar/24/2020 15:55
82 A - Knight Tournament GNU C++14 data structures dsu *1500 Mar/24/2020 13:46
81 E - Bertown roads GNU C++14 dfs and similar graphs *2000 Mar/17/2020 11:02
80 D - Ehab the Xorcist GNU C++14 bitmasks constructive algorithms greedy number theory *1700 Mar/14/2020 21:44
79 C - Ehab and Path-etic MEXs GNU C++14 constructive algorithms dfs and similar greedy trees *1500 Mar/14/2020 20:25
78 B - CopyCopyCopyCopyCopy GNU C++14 greedy implementation *800 Mar/14/2020 20:10
77 A - EhAb AnD gCd GNU C++14 constructive algorithms greedy number theory *800 Mar/14/2020 20:08
76 D - Pair of Topics GNU C++14 binary search data structures sortings two pointers *1400 Mar/13/2020 00:15
75 C - Frog Jumps GNU C++14 binary search data structures dfs and similar greedy implementation *1100 Mar/12/2020 18:58
74 B - Yet Another Palindrome Problem GNU C++14 brute force strings *1100 Mar/12/2020 18:44
73 A - Yet Another Tetris Problem GNU C++14 implementation number theory *900 Mar/12/2020 18:39
72 E - Array Shrinking GNU C++14 dp greedy *2100 Mar/12/2020 11:35
71 D - Count the Arrays GNU C++14 combinatorics math *1700 Mar/09/2020 21:34
70 C - Adding Powers GNU C++14 bitmasks greedy implementation math number theory ternary search *1400 Mar/09/2020 20:41
69 B - Bogosort GNU C++14 constructive algorithms sortings *1000 Mar/09/2020 20:16
68 A - Two Regular Polygons GNU C++14 geometry greedy math number theory *800 Mar/09/2020 20:11
67 B - Maximum Value GNU C++14 binary search math sortings two pointers *2100 Mar/05/2020 23:00
66 F - Moving Points GNU C++14 data structures divide and conquer implementation sortings *1900 Mar/03/2020 11:03
65 D - Three Integers GNU C++14 brute force math *2000 Mar/01/2020 22:49
64 C - Perform the Combo GNU C++14 brute force *1300 Feb/29/2020 10:26
63 B - WeirdSort GNU C++14 dfs and similar sortings *1200 Feb/29/2020 10:18
62 A - Add Odd or Subtract Even GNU C++14 greedy implementation math *800 Feb/29/2020 10:10
61 E - Segment Sum GNU C++14 bitmasks combinatorics dp math *2300 Feb/21/2020 21:17
60 C - Air Conditioner GNU C++14 dp greedy implementation sortings two pointers *1500 Feb/15/2020 22:27
59 E - 1-Trees and Queries GNU C++14 data structures dfs and similar shortest paths trees *2000 Feb/15/2020 22:22
58 B - Longest Palindrome GNU C++14 brute force constructive algorithms greedy implementation strings *1100 Feb/15/2020 22:20
57 A - Two Rabbits GNU C++14 math *800 Feb/15/2020 22:20
56 D - Time to Run GNU C++14 constructive algorithms graphs implementation *2000 Feb/13/2020 23:18
55 D - Christmas Trees GNU C++14 graphs greedy shortest paths *1800 Feb/12/2020 00:49
54 F1 - Spanning Tree with Maximum Degree GNU C++14 graphs *1600 Feb/10/2020 00:50
53 E - K Integers GNU C++14 binary search data structures *2300 Feb/08/2020 21:42
52 E - Minimum spanning tree for each edge GNU C++14 data structures dfs and similar dsu graphs trees *2100 Feb/04/2020 11:22
51 C - Mind Control GNU C++14 brute force data structures greedy math *1600 Feb/03/2020 15:08
50 B - Array Sharpening GNU C++14 greedy implementation *1300 Feb/03/2020 14:03
49 A - Even But Not Even GNU C++14 greedy math strings *900 Feb/03/2020 13:52
48 C - Duff in the Army GNU C++14 data structures trees *2200 Feb/02/2020 15:05
47 C - Fools and Roads GNU C++14 data structures dfs and similar trees *1900 Feb/01/2020 00:05
46 D - Same GCDs GNU C++14 math number theory *1800 Jan/31/2020 00:47
45 C - 1-2-3 GNU C++14 graphs implementation *1800 Jan/30/2020 19:33
44 D - Complete Tripartite GNU C++14 brute force constructive algorithms graphs hashing implementation *1900 Jan/30/2020 14:52
43 D - Paths in a Complete Binary Tree GNU C++14 bitmasks trees *1900 Jan/29/2020 22:17
42 D - Yet Another Array Queries Problem GNU C++14 data structures implementation *1800 Jan/29/2020 17:34
41 D - Salary Changing GNU C++14 binary search greedy sortings *1900 Jan/29/2020 00:06
40 D - Relatively Prime Graph GNU C++14 brute force constructive algorithms graphs greedy math *1700 Jan/25/2020 23:28
39 D - Harmonious Graph GNU C++14 constructive algorithms dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy sortings *1700 Jan/25/2020 18:53
38 E - By Elevator or Stairs? GNU C++14 dp shortest paths *1700 Jan/25/2020 18:05
37 D - Almost All Divisors GNU C++14 math number theory *1600 Jan/25/2020 16:59
36 B - Dima and a Bad XOR GNU C++14 bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms dp *1600 Jan/25/2020 16:27
35 C - New Year and Permutation GNU C++14 combinatorics math *1600 Jan/25/2020 13:30
34 D - Number Of Permutations GNU C++14 combinatorics *1800 Jan/25/2020 13:07
33 E - XOR Guessing GNU C++14 bitmasks interactive math *1900 Jan/22/2020 22:10
32 D - Valid BFS? GNU C++14 dfs and similar graphs shortest paths trees *1700 Jan/22/2020 21:20
31 B - Digits Sequence (Hard Edition) GNU C++14 binary search divide and conquer implementation *1800 Jan/22/2020 18:59
30 D - AB-string GNU C++14 binary search combinatorics dp strings *1900 Jan/22/2020 18:20
29 F - Graph Without Long Directed Paths GNU C++14 dfs and similar graphs *1700 Jan/21/2020 23:47
28 C - Tree Diameter GNU C++14 bitmasks graphs interactive *1700 Jan/21/2020 00:52
27 D - Dr. Evil Underscores GNU C++14 bitmasks brute force dfs and similar divide and conquer dp greedy strings trees *1900 Jan/20/2020 18:36
26 C - Two Arrays GNU C++14 combinatorics dp *1600 Jan/18/2020 21:53
25 C - Garland GNU C++14 dp greedy sortings *1800 Jan/12/2020 19:19
24 B - Hyperset GNU C++14 brute force data structures implementation *1500 Jan/05/2020 20:09
23 A - Angry Students GNU C++14 greedy implementation *800 Jan/05/2020 19:41
22 B - New Year and Ascent Sequence GNU C++14 binary search combinatorics data structures dp implementation sortings *1400 Jan/04/2020 18:09
21 A - New Year and Naming GNU C++14 implementation strings *800 Jan/04/2020 17:41
20 E - Connected Components? GNU C++14 data structures dfs and similar dsu graphs *2100 Jan/04/2020 11:30
19 B - 0-1 MST GNU C++14 dfs and similar dsu graphs sortings *1900 Jan/04/2020 11:28
18 E - Counter Attack GNU C++14 data structures dsu graphs hashing sortings *2100 Jan/04/2020 11:20
17 E - New Year Parties GNU C++14 dp greedy *1800 Dec/28/2019 23:21
16 C - Stack of Presents GNU C++14 data structures implementation *1400 Dec/28/2019 09:24
15 B - Verse For Santa GNU C++14 binary search brute force implementation *1300 Dec/28/2019 08:40
14 A - New Year Garland GNU C++14 math *900 Dec/27/2019 22:30
13 E - A and B and Lecture Rooms GNU C++14 binary search data structures dfs and similar dp trees *2100 Dec/26/2019 15:27
12 D - Segment Tree GNU C++14 data structures dsu graphs trees *2100 Dec/25/2019 20:29
11 D - Police Stations GNU C++14 constructive algorithms dfs and similar dp graphs shortest paths trees *2100 Dec/24/2019 11:31
10 D - Domino for Young GNU C++14 combinatorics constructive algorithms math *2000 Dec/21/2019 20:23
9 C - Long Beautiful Integer GNU C++14 greedy implementation *1700 Dec/21/2019 19:45
8 B - Modulo Equality GNU C++14 brute force sortings *1500 Dec/21/2019 16:59
7 A - Equation GNU C++14 brute force math *800 Dec/21/2019 16:42
6 C - DZY Loves Sequences GNU C++14 dp *1600 Dec/20/2019 12:12
5 C - Berry Jam GNU C++14 data structures dp greedy implementation *1700 Dec/19/2019 21:14
4 B - A and B GNU C++14 greedy math *1500 Dec/19/2019 20:30
3 A - Shuffle Hashing GNU C++14 brute force implementation strings *1000 Dec/19/2019 20:12
2 A - Happy Birthday, Polycarp! GNU C++14 implementation *1000 Dec/16/2019 21:07
1 E - Two Fairs GNU C++14 dfs and similar graphs *1900 Dec/16/2019 20:55