
DPLL algorithm implementation

Primary LanguageC++

An implemenation of DPLL Algorithm

Course: Artificial Intelligence: Foundations and Applications AI61005

Input Format is taken from: https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~hoos/SATLIB/Benchmarks/SAT/satformat.ps
For testing, test cases are taken from: https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~hoos/SATLIB/benchm.html


dpll(F, literal) {
	1. remove clause containing literal
	2. if (F contains no clauses) return true
	3. shorten clauses containing ~literal
	4. if (F contains empty clause) return false
	5. if (F contains a unit literal or a pure literal(L))
			return dpll(F, L)
	6. choose V in F
	7. if(dpll(F, ~V)) return true
	return dpll(F, V)


  • C++ compiler which supports C++11 or later
  • For Linux users, C++ compiler can be installed using : sudo apt install g++

Compilation: main.cpp contains all the code
cd src
g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp -o main

To run:


  • 2 scripts are there in tests folder to check for all the cases provided in testcases folder. There are 2 folders named sat and unsat, which contains some tests downloaded from the site mentioned above(tests are not pushed in this repo)

cd tests chmod +x check_sat.sh chmod +x check_unsat.sh ./check_sat.sh ./check_unsat.sh