Setup Site

Based on install instructions available here

Install Hugo


$ brew install hugo


You can use snap to isntall:

$ snap install hugo

Alternatively on Ubuntu and Debian systems:

$ sudo apt-get install hugo

On Arch Linux:

$ sudo pacman -Syu hugo

On Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS

$ sudo dnf install hugo



Check hugo version

$ hugo version

Create a New Site

## Create the base hugo site
$ hugo new site maker-today

## init the repo
$ cd maker-today
$ git init

Install Universal Theme

## Set the theme as a git submodule
$ git submodule add themes/hugo-universal-theme

## Add the theme to the config.toml file
$ echo 'theme = "hugo-universal-theme"' >> config.toml

NOTE: Don't edit the theme directly. simply override the files in the main directory instead

Add Content

Now you can add content yourself, or use the example available in the exampleSite folder

Run Site (Dev)

$ hugo server -D

Generate Static Site (Prod)

$ hugo