Momentum is a 1.12.2 Forge Utility Mod, designed for anarchy servers (Use on other servers where clients are not allowed is prohibited). You can download the latest release in the releases tab. Compatibility has not been tested for any clients other than Phobos 1.5.4, Gamesense, SalHack, Konas, and Future. There will be no updates or commits to the public version. No support will be provided, issues and pull requests will be not be reviewed.
The Click GUI bind is comma ,
. You can change this or any other keybind in the Minecraft controls menu.
Listed below are some of the features:
AutoCrystal - The AutoCrystal is the highlight of the client, featuring both a fast break speed and good placements. The rotations & raytracing can be configured to bypass most servers and is generally good for high ping.
HoleFill - Works well on most servers, uses strict rotations to work on strict servers. Has a smart mode that fills holes only near players.
ESP & Nametags - Good rendering and has numerous modes to please the eye. Nametags tracks gear information on players, so you can keep track of enemies' gear during a fight.
ElytraFlight - Fast and configurable, works well on a lot of servers. Features numerous modes for multiple servers.
Speed - Fast and has multiple unique modes. Works well on most servers.
Console/GUI - Clean and easy to use, good rendering, featuring multiple themes and window support. Simple to add friends or change anything in the client.
And much, much more ...
linustouchtips, olliem5, seasnail8169, bon55, Papa Quill, Reap, 0IMAX
All files should have an author credit attached to them, refer to specific files for credits.
Any use or modification of the code in Momentum, requires the user to disclose the modified or used source code.
DISCLAIMER: This license applies only to this release and no future versions (unless otherwise specified).