
Proxy CHK : This Python script validates a list of proxies from a text file (proxies.txt) and saves the working ones to output.txt. Configuration settings like timeout duration are managed through config.ini.

Primary LanguagePython

Proxy CHK

This Python script checks a list of proxies for connectivity and saves the working proxies to an output file.


  • Validates proxies from a text file (proxies.txt).
  • Configuration settings managed via config.ini for timeout and file paths.
  • Simple and easy-to-use.


  1. Ensure Python 3.x is installed.
  2. Modify config.ini to set your preferred timeout and file paths.
  3. Run proxychk.py to start checking proxies and save it on output.txt.

Configuration (config.ini):

  • timeout: Timeout duration (in seconds) for each proxy check.
  • proxies_file: Path to the text file containing the list of proxies.
  • output_file: Path to the output file where working proxies will be saved.

Default (config.ini):

timeout = 5
input_file = proxies.txt
output_file = output.txt

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