Implementation of some distributed algorithm in OMNeT++ Discrete Event Simulator.
University students beware!
If you’re a student in a Distributed systems class, you shouldn’t copy (or copy then modify) this code without permission. And even then, I would advise against heavily relying on this code because it may contains a lot of errors. You should alternativelly inspirate from it, you may find better ideas to resolve these problems.
- Ubuntu 16.04
- OMNeT++ 5.6.2
Introduction to Omnet++
- lab1
- TicToc
Information diffusion
- diffuse_v0
- diffuse_v1
- diffuse_v2
- diffuse_v3
- Wflood
- Tarry Traversal
- DFT_traversal_v0
- DFT_traversal_v1
- DFT_traversal_v2
- DFT_traversal_v3
- BFT_draft (DRAFT !)
Spanning tree construction
- ST_0
- ST_1
- ST_2
- Diffusion_Tree
- RR_v0
- RR_v1
- RT_v0
- RT_v1
- saturation (used for tree computation : center, median ... )
- center_finding (based on saturation)
- Tree_center_finding_BFT
- Chandy_Lamport (snapshot)
- Processus_Noir
- p2p_centralisee
I appreciate your help!
In order to contribute, please read the guidelines.
feel free to contact me.
this repo is licensed under the MIT License.