HTML/CSS/JS & DOM - Drum Game

  • A web-based Drum Music game for playing the drum. This can give you an experience of drum playing. So enjoy playing.


  • Whether it be a bet, or settling a huge debate, or maybe even taking a decision, use this simple game to settle it all! Just choose sides, hit refresh, and you're good to go!
  • Dice-Game is a simple interactive game to decide who will do this work today or who will go to the market to buy vegetables for today. Just you have to refresh the webpage. The HTML5, CSS3, and javascript will do the remaining work of decision making for you.


In this code along I updated the provided starter files using HTML, CSS, and Javascript


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Technical Information

To run the site on your local machine

  1. Download or clone the repository onto your machine.
  2. Extract the .zip file.
  3. Open .html file in your browser.


The inspiration for the websites have been taken from the follwing:

  • Angela Yu's Dice Challange int the Udemy Complete Web Development Bootcamp Course.


I'd like to express my greatest gratitude towards angelabauer for her course at udemy. For the website I've used the following resources: