Cloud Computing: Overall Lab Instruction



1. Overview

There are 4 labs in total in this course. All the materials of each lab are under folders Lab1-4 in this repo. Please clone the lab git repo onto your local computer,

git clone

and always track our latest lab materials using the following commands (should first enter the folder you have cloned from our lab repo)

git pull

You can find this overall lab instruction in in the root folder.

Please carefully read the overall lab instruction before you do anything.

Also, please carefully read each lab's instruction (Lab1, Lab2, Lab3, Lab4) to get each lab's task, background, requirements, etc.

本课程共有四堂实验课。 所有实验的资料都在这个代码仓库的Lab1-4文件夹下。 请克隆这个代码仓库到您的本地计算机上,





2. Group collaboration

Each student should register your own github account. Group members should use git and github to collaborate.

All the labs are done in the unit of group, i.e., a group only needs to submit one piece of code for each lab. However, each group member should make enough contribution to the lab. Teaching assistants will check the git commit history to evaluate each one’s contribution.

每个学生都应该注册自己的github账号。 小组成员应该使用git和github进行协作。

所有的实验都是以小组为单位完成的,即一个小组只需为每个实验提交一段代码。 但是,每个小组成员都应该为实验室做出足够的贡献。 教学助理将检查git提交历史记录,以评估每个人的贡献。

3. Code submission

Each group should create a code repo for our course (create your own group's repo, do not push onto my course lab repo!). The group leader should send an email to TA telling us your group's lab git repo address. For example,`

每个组应该为我们的课程创建一个代码仓库(创建自己组的仓库,不要推到我的课程实验仓库!) 组长应该给TA发邮件告诉我们你们组的实验代码仓库地址。 例如,

All the lab code should be submitted through pushing to your group's github code repo. Teaching assistants will checkout your commit, and read and test your codes from the above repo address you provided us. The code of different lab should be in different folders, named Lab1/Lab2/Lab3/Lab4, respectively (following the same structure of this repo). Please note that your lab folder name should be exactly same as above (be careful about the first capital letter and no space before the number), otherwise your code may fail in our TAs' automatic testing scripts. All lab codes should be in the same course git repo of your group.

**所有的实验代码应该通过推到你的小组的github代码仓库提交。 **助教将检查您的提交,并从您提供给我们的上述仓库地址阅读和测试您的代码。 不同lab的代码应该放在不同的文件夹中,分别命名为Lab1/Lab2/Lab3/Lab4(与本次代码仓库的结构相同)。 请注意您的实验文件夹名称应该与上面的名称完全相同(注意第一个大写字母,数字前没有空格),否则您的代码可能会在我们的助教的自动测试脚本中失败。 所有的实验代码应该在同一课程的您的小组的代码仓库下。

Please write a to each lab code folder, briefly introducing how to run your lab code (including how to set the environment, provide the input, and explain the output, etc.). Keep the README short and clear! Also, your code should be well commented so that other people can understand without asking you.

请编写 README.md文档到每个实验的代码文件夹下,简要介绍如何运行您的实验代码(包括如何设置环境,提供输入,并解释输出等)。 保持README的简短和清晰! 另外,你的代码应该有很好的注释,这样其他人不用问你也能理解。

4. Environment requirement

4.1 OS requirement

All the labs should be tested and runnable on UNIX-like operating systems, such as Linux distributions (e.g., Ubuntu, CentOS) and MacOS. We highly recommend you to use Linux distributions such as Ubuntu. If you only have windows PC or laptops, install a UNIX VM and do experiments on the VM.

所有的实验都应该在类unix的操作系统上进行测试和运行,例如Linux发行版(例如Ubuntu, CentOS)和MacOS。 我们强烈建议您使用Linux发行版,如Ubuntu。

如果只有windows PC或笔记本电脑,请安装一台UNIX虚拟机,并在虚拟机上进行实验。

4.2 Programming language

Any programming languages are permitted in all labs, such as C/C++, Java, Go, Python, Perl. But for performance consideration, we highly recommend you to use C/C++ or Go !!!

任何编程语言都允许在所有的实验,如C/ c++, Java, Go, Python, Perl。 但出于性能考虑,我们强烈建议您使用C/C++或Go !!

4.3 Try to only use standard API

To make your program portable, try your best to only use standard & widely available functions and normal libraries (such as glibc, C++ STLs and some typical math libraries). All the labs should only use standard system API defined by POSIX specification or Linux man page specification. We prefer to use standard POSIX API, so your code can be easily runnable on various kind of UNIX-like systems (instead of only on Linux).

为了使你的程序具有可移植性,尽量只使用标准的和广泛可用的函数和普通的库(如 ·glibcc++ STLs和一些典型的数学库)。 所有的实验室应该只使用POSIX规范或Linux手册页规范定义的标准系统API。 我们更喜欢使用标准的POSIX API,这样您的代码就可以轻松地在各种类unix系统上运行(而不仅仅是在Linux上)。

5. Grading

Grading details are specified in each lab's instruction document, please carefully read them Lab1, Lab2, Lab3, Lab4.

Besides, we have the following 3 overall grading requirements applicable to all the 4 labs:

  1. DO NOT copy others' code (either from the Internet or from your classmates), otherwise your group (every member and the leader) will got zero point in the lab. However, we encourage to communicate with other group and learn from each other. But do remember to write the code yourself and not copy.
  2. DO NOT miss the deadline, otherwise your group (every member and the leader) points will be reduced accordingly.
  3. Typically, your group (every member and the leader) will get same points in each lab, unless we find severely unfair contribution in the git commit history. In the overall grading, the leader will get some more points as bonus.



  1. 不要抄袭别人的代码(无论是网络还是同学的),否则你的小组(每个成员和领导)将在实验得到零分。 但是,我们鼓励与其他小组交流,互相学习。 但是一定要记住自己写代码,不要抄袭。
  2. 请不要错过的截止时间,否则您的团队(每个成员和领导)的积分将会相应减少。
  3. 通常情况下,你的团队(每个成员和领导)在每个实验都得到相同的分数,除非我们在git提交历史中发现严重的不公平贡献。 在整体评分中,领导者会得到更多的积分作为奖励。