Monocle Android Module

Monocle Android Module is private module. It can detect and auto capture user card. Beside main feature above, it is useful to help developer set and customize all of text size, text value, text color, border color, solid color, image source attributes of copyright Logo, Watermark Text, Stamp Text and Crop captured image for the best fit content.


Currently, We have not enough effort to pack this module into a java lib (*.aar, *.jar) and put it in to S3's company server as a package manager. We have tried so much but not successful . But I hope it can be available there in near feature (at least, after Crop feature completed I will take my time to complete it).

Please feel free to watch this internal video demo to have more understand about this library.

implementation 'agm:monocle:0.1.0' [comming soon]


import com.agm.monocle.model.AGMMonocleConfiguration
import com.agm.monocle.model.CopyrightWatermark
import com.agm.monocle.model.StampWatermark
import com.agm.monocle.opencv.CameraWithAutoCaptureActivity
import com.agm.monocle.opencv.MemoryCache


private val OPEN_CAMERA_REQ: Int = 100
private lateinit var userConfigObject: AGMMonocleConfiguration
private lateinit var copyrightWatermark: CopyrightWatermark
private lateinit var stampWatermark: StampWatermark


userConfigObject = AGMMonocleConfiguration(
null, //copyrightWatermark
null, //stampWatermark
-1)   //waterMarkLogo

copyrightWatermark = CopyrightWatermark(
20f,      //fontSize
30f,      //rotateAngle
"#eaff4f" //textColor

userConfigObject.copyrightWatermark = copyrightWatermark
userConfigObject.stampWatermark = stampWatermark

stampWatermark = StampWatermark(
10f,      //fontSize
"#5530eb" //textColor


userConfigObject.waterMarkLogo = R.drawable.water_mark_icon
userConfigObject.isCropEnabled = isChecked
userConfigObject.useDetection = isChecked

Declare water_mark_icon.xml like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<bitmap xmlns:android=""
android:src="@drawable/appman_logo_horizontal" //put your small logo watermark *.png here
android:tileMode="repeat" />

and after complete configuration above, whenever you want to open camera activity, call function like below:

private fun openCamera() {
var cameraIntent = Intent(this,
cameraIntent.putExtra("BUNDLE_USER_CONFIG", Gson().toJson(userConfigObject))
startActivityForResult(cameraIntent, OPEN_CAMERA_REQ)

Then, get bitmap backed from CameraWithAutoCaptureActivity

override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Copyright by AppMan Co.