
Webpack + React + Redux + Firebase

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webpack + React + Redux + Firebase

Starter Kit / Boilerplate to use React, Redux and Firebase in an ES2015 codebase compiled with Webpack.

A version of this app is visible at vkammerer.github.io/react-redux-firebase

This was originally an adaptation of the article http://blog.krawaller.se/posts/a-react-redux-firebase-app-with-authentication, but the application and the code have been simplified afterwards.


Clone the repo and then:

npm i


Run an express server using Webpack with Hot Module Replacement:

npm run dev


Build the production version of your assets in the 'static' directory

npm run build


  • Replace redux-thunk with redux-saga.
  • Replace custom express server with webpack-dev-server.

If anyone if up for sending a PR, I would gladly review it and merge it.