My implementations of data structures & algorithms, and programming problems (from Project Euler to Daily Coding Problem)

Primary LanguagePython



  1. Binary Tree
  2. Graph
  3. HashMap
  4. Heap
  5. Linked List
  6. Priority Queue (Based off Heap)
  7. LRU Cache
  8. Stack
  9. Queue
  10. Binary Search Tree
  11. Next up: Trie or Bloom filter


  1. Binary Search
  2. Bubble Sort
  3. Insertion Sort
  4. Merge Sort
  5. Quick Sort
  6. Selection Sort

LeetCode Problems

  1. Contains Duplicate
  2. Encode / Decode Strings
  3. Longest Consecutive Sequence
  4. Min Stack
  5. Product of Array (Except Self)
  6. Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)
  7. Top K Frequent Elements
  8. Two Sum Two
  9. Two Sum
  10. Valid Anagram
  11. Valid Palindrome
  12. Valid Parenthesis
  13. Valid Sudoku
  14. 3Sum
  15. Generate Parentheses
  16. Daily Temperatures
  17. Container With Most Water