
This module contains 2 tasks and 1 plan, the aim is to represent a possible workflow that collects a password from hiera on a PE server and uses that password on a Windows machine without the password being exposed.

The following is an example to test the running of the plan from the command line of the PE server. The following parameters will need updating.

  • puppet_host The PS servers hostname.
  • windows_host The targewt Windows machine.
  • hierakey The parameter to lookup from hiera.
  • environment The code environment where the parameter exists.

puppet plan run windows_tasks::ad_task hierakey=message environment=production

ad_task plan

The plan accepts the 4 parameters listed above, it runs the get_password plan on the puppet_host, passing in the parameters hierakey and environment to retrieve the password securely without exposing it to the console. It then passes the password into the ad_join task which is then run on the windows_host. To simulate something happening this task writes the password out to C:\Users\Administrator\file.txt.