The prototype application is intended for the delivery drivers and allows them to track their shifts and orders.
- The application is intended for the delivery drivers and allows them to track their shifts and orders.
- Each driver has the option of creating new an individual account and after logging in has access only to data that belong to him
- Through the application, driver can manage his orders and shifts.
- Application displays order list for shift and provide see them on map.
- Driver can notify client by sending SMS
- Google Maps
- Google Places
- Firebase Realtime and Auth
- Login and registration
- Adding, editing and removing shifts and orders
- Preview of current orders on the google map
- Sending a text message to the customer
- Current shift time in the notification bar
- Auto-complete addresses using Google Places
- Drawer and toolbar menu
- Fragments
- Various orientation layouts
- Date and time picker
- Custom Listeners
- Recycler views
- Serialize data
- Services
- Notifications
- Broadcasting
- AsyncTasks
- MVC and Observers
- Singletons
- Interfaces
- Error handling and throwing own exceptions
- The current prototype provides the required features
- Using the application is possible, keeping in mind application have some imperfections and simplifications.
- Application design is underdeveloped
- Some „spaggeti” code and hard references in some places
- Tricks and shortcuts to provide the application on time
- There may be inappropriate use of observers
- Mixed model with controller
- Bad map zooming for one order
- No title in toolbar for some fragments
- Wrong pin on map caused by bad or empty address
- Skipped validation and verification for inputs
- Logout not ends MainActivity
- Service show notification if application is run in background (no data access)
- Start / End shift button got delay (Firebase)
- Limited handle for Firebase Auth – not meaningfull message to user