
Web service facade for interacting with git repos on various providers - GitHub/BitBucket/GitLab etc.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Test & Deploy


Put git in a box to make it easy to work with in your apps.


  • ✅ Clone repos from 3rd party git providers - GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket etc.
  • ✅ Fetch updates from origin on demand
  • ✅ Create new commits on a branch and push to the origin
  • Set up webhooks to automatically fetch when origin is updated (TODO)
  • Emit events about changes in the repo (TODO)
  • Query the repo for:
    • ✅ branch head revisions
    • file lists (TODO)
    • file contents (TODO)
  • Create pull requests on 3rd party providers from a local branch (TODO)
  • Read user info (orgs, repos) from 3rd party providers (TODO)


git-en-boite is written in typescript, and produces a Docker image every time the tests pass on the master branch.

It's separated into multiple NPM packages which are all contained inside this repo under ./packages.

We use yarn workspaces to manage these packages.

Start the application

The following docker-compose command starts the backend HTTP API

docker-compose up

Now you can hit the service:

curl http://localhost:3001


Install yarn, then install dependencies:


Set up default environment variables (assumes you're using direnv):

cp .envrc.default .envrc
direnv allow .

The integration tests need redis and postgres to be running somewhere. If you don't have or want to have them installed on your dev machine, you can spin them up in Docker:

docker-compose up --detach redis postgres

Note for Ubuntu 20 users

On ubuntu 20, the default docker package should be replaced by the latest one to use the long syntax in docker-compose.yml

sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.27.4/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
docker-compose -version

The version returned should be 1.27.4, build 40524192

Run tests

Build first:

yarn build

Run the tests in each of the packages:

yarn test

Start the app locally:

yarn start

Debugging the acceptance tests

When the acceptance tests fail, it's often useful to debug them by logging. You can turn on logging to console like this:

show_logs=1 yarn acceptance test

See packages/acceptance-tests/serc/support/abilities/request for details.

Smoke tests

Git-en-boîte ships with smoke tests that can be run against any instance of itself.

To run them, two environment variables need to be set:

  • smoke_tests_web_server_url: the base URL for the Git-en-boîte instance you want to test.
  • smoke_tests_remote_repo_url: the URL of a Git repository that will be used by the smoke tests. git-en-boite-demo typically serves that purpose. Write operations are performed during the test, make sure the URL includes the proper credentials (e.g. a GitHub username/token pair).

Optionally, you can also set this, to test out how failures are reported in your infrastructure:

  • smoke_tests_deliberate_error: an error message to raise as soon as the smoke tests run.

Run the smoke tests with:

yarn smoke start


To run against a locally-running instance:

smoke_tests_web_server_url=http://localhost:3001 \
    yarn smoke start

Run using local containers (for both the smoke tests and the running server):

docker-compose up
smoke_tests_remote_repo_url=https://<user>:<token>@github.com/SmartBear/git-en-boite-demo \
    docker-compose run smoke-tests yarn smoke start