An interface for the employees of a company to fill in the data into the database and then download it in CSV format.
- Node.js 8+
- MongoDB 3.6+ (Recommended 4+)
- "bcrypt"
- "csv-writer"
- "body-parser"
- "nodemon"
- "connect-flash"
- "connect-mongo"
- "cookie-parser"
- "ejs"
- "express"
- "express-ejs-layouts"
- "express-flash-messages"
- "express-recaptcha"
- "express-session"
- "flash"
- "mongoose"
- "passport"
- "passport-local"
- "request"
Routes | Request Body | Method | Description | Response |
[/] | No | POST | User Sign up | No |
[/all-jobs] | No | GET | get github jobs | No |
[/all-jobs-again] | No | GET | get indeed jobs | No |
[/users/sign-in/] | (email, password) | POST | User Login | No |
[/users/sign-out/] | No | GET | Logout User | No |
[/users/sign-up/] | (email, password, name, confirm_password) | POST | User Sign Up | No |
[/users/profile/] | No | GET | Get user's details | No |
[/students/create-form/] | No | GET | Get interview home page | No |
[/students/create/] | POST | GET | Get user's details | No |
[/interviews/create-interview/] | POST | GET | Get user's details | No |
[/interviews/allocate/] | POST | GET | Get user's details | No |
[/results/show/] | POST | GET | Get user's details | No |
[/results/create-csv/] | POST | GET | Get user's details | No |
git clone cd Interview-Manager run nodemon index.js
---- Employee SignUp ---- click on click me a form will appear ---- Employee SignIn ---- click on click me a form will appear ---- click on check students link, the interview registration homepage will appear ---- now under application manager students form click the button to register a student. ---- under interview form click the bottom button to register a company. ---- to the right side of the company (like amazon) a button will appear, click on it to register a student for interview ---- click on the company to get the list of students taking the interview. ---- update the result and submit to change the interview status. ---- Now on interview homepage click download button to download the csv
├── index.js
├── package.json
├── assets
| ├── css
| ├── signUp.css
├── config
├── mongoose.js
├── middleware.js
├── nodemailer.js
├── passport-local-strategy.js
├── controllers
| ├── api
| ├── v1
| ├── home_controller.js
| ├── interview_controller.js
| ├── result_controller.js
| ├── students_controller.js
| ├── users_controller.js
├── multer
│ ├── data.csv
├── models
│ ├── interview.js
│ ├── result.js
│ ├── student.js
│ ├── user.js
├── views
│ ├── _footer.ejs
├── _header.ejs
├── create_student.ejs
├── home.ejs
├── layout.ejs
├── results_page.ejs
├── user_profile.ejs
├── user_sign_in.ejs
├── user_sign_up.ejs
├── routes
| ├── api
| ├── v1
| ├── index.js
| ├── interviews.js
| ├── results.js
| ├── students.js
| ├── users.js
├── .gitignore
Implemented the following for a user with respective html pages:
- Employee Sign up with email
- Employee Sign in (you can redirect to a blank home page with a sign out and reset password button after sign in)
- interview homepage (show list of students and companies and pass the control to here.)
- Employee Sign out
- register a student
- The password stored in the db should be encrypted
- Taken care of the following display notifications for --unmatching passwords during sign up --incorrect password during sign in
- register a company
- register an interview for a student for a company
- change status of the company interview (on hold, pass, fail, didn't attempt)
- fetch the available jobs using 2 apis (github and indeed)
Every project needs improvements, Feel free to report any bugs or improvements. Pull requests are always welcome.