
This project is done as an assignment for algoscale hiring. Django REST framework was used to proceed with this project.

Primary LanguagePython


This project is done as an assignment for algoscale hiring. Django REST framework was used to proceed with this project.

Twitter Clone

Project Setup

The project backend has been implmented using Django-Rest-Framework and database used is RDBMS (MySQL). The code has been properly tested, and written in a generic manner. All the unit tests have been written in tests.py for each app[rest_auth and tweets]. Steps to setup the project on your machine-

  1. Create a virtual environment using command
    virtualenv venv -p python3
  1. Activate virtual environment using command
    source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install requirements using command
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create database in MySQL and save your database settings in local_settings.py(database, username and password)
  2. Now make migrations of project using command
    python manage.py makemigrations && python manage.py migrate
  1. Run Django server using command
    python manage.py runserver

All ready to go !

List of APIs and their functionalities (Note- Except login and signup, each request requires an authentication token[TWEET {token_value}])

API Request Body Method Description Response
[/rest_auth/signup/] (first_name, last_name, username, password, email, contact_number(in +91 format), country_code) POST User Sign up Authentication Token
[/rest_auth/login/] (username, password) POST User Login Authentication Token
[/rest_auth/logout/] No GET Logout User No
[/tweets/tweet/[Tweet_id]/] No GET Retrieve Tweet Info Tweet
[/tweets/tweet/user/[User_id]/] No GET Get list of user's tweets [Tweets]
[/tweets/tweet/like/[Tweet_id]/] (is_like) PUT List of Liked Tweets No
[/rest_auth/user/[User_id]/] No GET Get user's details User