
Create backups/dumps of Vault secrets

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Vault Backup

  • Save HashiCorp's Vault secrets as json/yaml dump
  • Populate specific Vault prefix from json/yaml dump


You can read how to create scheduled backup with Jenkins in this post: Scheduled backup of Vault secrets with Jenkins on Kubernetes

The second part of the 'Scheduled backup of HashiCorp's Vault secrets', using Kubernetes CronJob to create scheduled backups on daily basis post: https://igorzhivilo.com/vault/scheduled-backup-vault-cronjob/

You can use it to:

  • Dump all your secrets as encrypted yaml/json files, or you can store it without encryption.
  • Get a list of your secrets.
  • Print all secrets nicely.
  • Populate Vault from yaml/json dumps to a specific 'vault_prefix'.


AppRole authentication method in Vault

How can an application programmatically request a token so that it can read secrets from Vault?

Using the AppRole which is an authentication mechanism within Vault to allow machines or apps to acquire a token to interact with Vault and using the policies you can set access limitations for your app.

It uses RoleID and SecretID for login.

Read more about AppRole authentication: https://learn.hashicorp.com/vault/identity-access-management/approle https://igorzhivilo.com/jenkins/how-to-read-vault-secrets-from-declarative-pipeline/

How to enable AppRole auth and get RoleID and SecretID

Enable approle on vault (using CLI)

$ vault auth enable approle

Make sure a v2 kv secrets engine enabled (using CLI)

$ vault secrets enable kv-v2

Create policy via Vault's UI:

I run vault inside of Kubernetes(EKS) cluster, UI not publically available that why I use port-forwarding

$ kubectl port-forward -n vault svc/vault 8200
Forwarding from -> 8200
Forwarding from [::1]:8200 -> 8200

Go to policy tab -> Create ACL Policy (jenkins policy in this example)


path "sys/auth/approle" {
  capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "sudo" ]
path "sys/auth/approle/*" {
  capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete" ]
path "auth/approle/*" {
  capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list" ]
path "sys/policies/acl/*" {
  capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list" ]
path "secret/data/jenkins/*" {
  capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list" ]
path "secret/metadata/jenkins/*" {
  capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list" ]

click 'create' this policy

attach to jenkins approle -> jenkins policy (using CLI)

$ vault write auth/approle/role/jenkins token_policies=jenkins \
 token_ttl=1h token_max_ttl=4h

Get RoleID and SecretID (using CLI)

$ vault read auth/approle/role/jenkins/role-id
$ vault write -f auth/approle/role/jenkins/secret-id

Test that you created correctly role_id/secret_id (using CLI)

vault write auth/approle/login \
    role_id=ROLE_ID \

Environment variables

  • VAULT_ADDR: for example: 'http://vault.vault.svc.cluster.local:8200' for k8s cluster
  • ROLE_ID: RoleID for AppRole auth
  • SECRET_ID: SecretID for AppRole auth
  • VAULT_PREFIX: for example 'jenkins'
  • ENCRYPTION_KEY: encryption key(used by Fernet library) to encrypt your secrets dump

Dump secrets under 'jenkins' vault prefix example

export ENV variables

export VAULT_ADDR=http://vault.vault.svc.cluster.local:8200
export ROLE_ID=7ae17fff9-11aa-16d2-b5cc-dbb964a50917
export SECRET_ID=6ae17eee9-11aa-16d2-b5cc-aaa964a99917
export VAULT_PREFIX=jenkins

install python dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Vault's Handler CLI

$ python vault_handler.py
Specify one of the commands below


print secrets (env variables must be exported first)

$ python vault_handler.py print

dump secrets (env variables must be exported first)

$ python vault_handler.py dump --help
Usage: vault_handler.py dump [OPTIONS]

  :   Dump secrets from Vault (Dump will be encrypted).

  -dp, --dump_path TEXT  Path/name of dump with secrets
  --help                 Show this message and exit.
# encrypted dump of secrets will be created: vault_secrets.enc
$ python vault_handler.py dump

populate Vault under 'jenkins' prefix from dump (env variables must be exported first)

python vault_handler.py populate --help
Usage: vault_handler.py populate [OPTIONS]

  :   Populate Vault prefix from dump with secrets.

  -vp, --vault_prefix TEXT  Vault's prefix to populate from secrets dump
  -dp, --dump_path TEXT     Path to dump with secrets
  --help                    Show this message and exit.
python vault_handler.py populate -vp 'test_prefix' -dp 'vault_secrets.enc'

More things that will be added

  • support for different authentication mechanisms
  • add to PyPI as package
  • example of how to run scheduled backup from Jenkins (Look at examples/jenkins/Jenkinsfile).
  • example of how to run scheduled backup using vault_handler and k8s cronjob (Look at examples/cronjob/cronjob.yaml).

PRs with improvements/features are welcomed!