
Simple demo of the Golang template language and FuncMap functionality

Primary LanguageGo


Very simple demo to show how to use the template engine of Golang. It's called hydrator as it could form the basis of a templated/JSON data hydrator.


  1. Takes in JSON input (try source.json)
  2. Go through the JSON and apply the transformations dictated in external template (try transform.tmpl)
  3. Print formatted JSON to standard out

Hacked together in about 30 mins so don't judge me - and if you find it useful, open a PR and tidy it up!

Getting Started

go get -u github.com/17twenty/hydrator

hydrator -s <source JSON file> -t <transformation template> [-w <output.json>]


It would be really cool to use the plugins capability to dynamically add new template functions. I'll leave that to someone else tho.