
Simple IPC that can use REST. Matches sarama/kafka as close as possible (no partitions)

Primary LanguageGo

Simple IPC

This is a simple IPC used to move development forward when you can't be arsed with SQS or Kafka.

Getting Started


// The brokers are all the endpoints we want to post to
producer := ipcsimple.NewProducer([]string{"http://localhost:9090/ipcsimple"})
err = producer.SendMessage(&ipcsimple.ProducerMessage{
    Topic: "testA",
    Value: ipcsimple.ByteEncoder(tempAsBytes),


consumerA := ipcsimple.NewConsumer(9090) // local port to bind too
log.Println("Reading Messages...")
for msg := range consumerA.Messages() {
    switch msg.Topic {
    case "testA":
        var data DemoStruct
        log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%v", string(msg.Value)))
        err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(msg.Value), &data)
        log.Println(err, fmt.Sprintf("%#+v", data))
        log.Println("msg is ok")

    case "testB":
        log.Println("Got RAW testB message", msg.Value)
        log.Println("ERR: Unknown topic", string(msg.Topic))


  • Server timeouts could be a problem
  • Doesn't fail that gracefully
  • Close doesn't do much
  • Could take a logger as an input rather than stdoutting it
  • Doesn't ever exit inner go routine