
A Discord bot coded in Node.js using the Discord.js Library and Marvel Comics API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Discord bot coded in Node.js using the Discord.js Library and Marvel Comics API.

This project is in early phase and I plan to further add more commands.


1.!characters character index - fetching marvel comic characters by name + showing list of characters starting with character indexed

2.!fav add character - using mongodb to store list of favourite characters and comics(still not implemented) of a particular user

3.!fav - list of a user's favourite characters fetched from the database

Future plans-

1.full fledged collection database of marvel characters

2.a dashboard made with the MERN stack showing your list of favourite characters and comics, most searched characters and comics of a server, comic recommendations based on your list of servers

3.a minigame using webhooks, consisting of the marvel characters

How to run local instance-

1.clone the repo and generate a discord bot token in the developer portal(https://discord.com/developers/applications/)

2.generate marvel public and private api keys from marvel developer portal(https://developer.marvel.com/)

3.add config.json in the hello-world directory of the format

    "name": "hello-world",
    "language": "javascript",
    "manager": "npm",
    "token": "<discord-token>",
    "prefix": "!",
    "marvelApiKey": "<marvel-public-key>",
    "marvelPrivateKey": "<marvel-private-key>",
    "mongoPassword": "<mongo-password>"

4.make a mongodb cluster in mongodb atlas and keep the username hello-world-bot and add the password in config.json file

5.add the discord bot to a test server and run npm run dev in terminal(inside the hello-world directory).