
Proto-X VLDB 2024.

Primary LanguagePython

VLDB 2024: Proto-X

Source code for the Proto-X framework in "The Holon Approach for Simultaneously Tuning Multiple Components in a Self-Driving Database Management System with Machine Learning via Synthesized Proto-Actions", appearing in VLDB 2024.

Environment Setup

We assume Ubuntu 22.04 when executing the following commands:

$ conda create -n protox python=3.9
$ conda activate protox
$ conda env config vars set PYTHONNOUSERSITE=1
$ conda deactivate && conda activate protox
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Preparing a Postgres Data Archive

  1. Create/Load the initial database contents and the initial starting configuration.
  2. Clean the database by optionally running VACUUM FULL followed by VACUUM and ANALYZE.
  3. Shutdown Postgres and navigate to the directory containing the database data (i.e., pgdata)
  4. tar cf pgdata.tgz <database data>

Generating Embeddings

  1. Modify the following values within embeddings/config.json to suit specific purposes:
    • subspaces/latent_dim: Dimension of latent dimension
    • subspaces/hidden_sizes: Hidden Layers
    • metric_loss_md/bias_separation: The size (coverage) of each discrete embedding layer.
    • metric_loss_md/addtl_bias_separation: Additional padding to insert between each embedding layer.
    • num_epochs: Number of epochs to train embeddings
    • results/latent_spaces/spaces/*/*/config provides example configuration parameters.
  2. Invoke the following command (with postgres already running and HypoPG available) to generate training data:
$ conda activate protox
$ rm -rf <data_output_directory>
$ python3 index_embedding.py generate \
    --config configs/config.yaml \
    --benchmark-config configs/benchmark/<benchmark>.yaml \
    --generate-costs \
    --connection <postgres connection> \
    --num-processes <number processes> \
    --output-dir <data_output_directory> \
    --per-table \
    --table <comma separated table names, REQUIRED if --per-table not specified> \
    --batch-limit <number or comma separated number (corresponding to --table) of samples> \
    --per-leading-col <comma separated table names to sample (table, attr) indexes on, OPTIONAL> \
  1. Next, invoke the following to generate embeddings:
$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=<# threads for each training job> ray start --head --num-cpus=<# parallel jobs>
$ rm -rf <embed_output_directory> && mkdir <embed_output_directory>
$ python3 index_embedding.py train \
    --output-dir <absolute path to embed_output_directory> \
    --input-data <absolute path to data_output_directory> \
    --config embeddings/config.json \
    --num-trials <number embeddings to create> \
    --benchmark-config <absolute path to configs/benchmark/<benchmark>.yaml> \
    --train-size <size of training data, i.e., 0.9> \
    --iterations-per-epoch <number of batches in an epoch, i.e., 1000> \
    --max-concurrent <# parallel jobs> \
    --mythril-dir <root of proto-x folder> \
    --num-threads <# threads for each training job> \
    --inflate-ratio <OPTIONAL, inflate input data by certain ratio, i.e., 80> \
    --rebias <OPTIONAL, force separates each "index class" by rebias distance. Useful when "benefits" are very similar>
$ ray stop -f
  1. To curate/select the best embeddings:
$ python3 scripts/redist.py --input <absolute path to embed_output_directory> --num-parts 1
$ python3 index_embedding.py eval \
    --models <absolute path to embed_output_directory> \
    --benchmark-config <absolute path to configs/benchmark/<benchmark>.yaml> \
    --start-epoch 0 \
    --num-batches 100 \
    --batch-size <size of each batch to test, defaults to 8192> \
    --dataset <absolute path to the out.parquet within embed_output_directory>
$ python3 scripts/embed_analyze.py \
    --base <embed_output_directory>/part0 \
    --num-points <number of points to sample to approximate distribution> \
    --benchmark-config configs/benchmark/<benchmark>.yaml \
    --start-epoch 0 \
    --top <top-k index distribution to track, i.e., 5> \
    --max-segments <number of embedding layers to analyze, i.e., 15>
$ python3 scripts/embed_filter.py \
    --idx-limit <--max-segments from embed_analyze.py> \
    --curate \
    --num-curate <number of embeddings to select> \
    --flatten --flatten-idx 0 \
    --input <embed_output_directory> \
    --out <embed_output_directory>/out.csv \
    --data <embed_output_directory>/out.parquet
  1. Best embeddings will be placed at <embed_output_directory>/curated
  2. ray stop -f

Tuning the DBMS

Assuming that there's a valid configuration generated from a prior tuning job (i.e., from results), you can directly utilize hpo.py to run the targeted configuration. Note that while some arguments in hpo.py are repeated in the --initial-configs file, the argument values in --initial-configs take precedence over the command-line arguments.

$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=<# threads for each parallel tuning> ray start --head --num-cpus=<# parallel jobs>
$ python3 hpo.py
    --config <absolute path of root>/configs/config.yaml \
    --agent wolp \
    --model-config <absolute path of root>/configs/wolp_params.yaml \
    --benchmark-config <absolute path of root>/configs/benchmark/<benchmark>.yaml \
    --mythril-dir <absolute path of root> \
    --num-trials <number of runs> \
    --max-concurrent <# parallel tuning jobs> \
    --max-iterations 1000 \
    --horizon 5 \
    --duration 30.0 \
    --target latency \
    --data-snapshot-path <absolute path to data archive> \
    --workload-timeout 600 \
    --timeout 30 \
    --benchbase-config-path <benchbase config path or a dummy valid path> \
    --initial-configs <list of configurations to run> \
    --initial-repeats 1