Setup Procedures

  • clone this repo to local
  • duplicate .env.example file, rename as .env, put your local mysql credits in, add database to your local mysql
  • cd into repo root directy
  • run `composer install'
  • run npm install (optional)
  • run php artisan migrate to set up tables
  • run php artisan db:seed to seed tables with example data
  • run php artisan serve to start the backend server as e.g.


  • Ideally should create a seperate branch for development, pushed all changes to master directly here just for keeping the test simple purpose.
  • If met with "Class 'Facade\Ignition\IgnitionServiceProvider' not found" as I did when migrate tables, run composer dumpautoload solved the issue.
  • if met with "League\Flysystem\Exception Impossible to create the root directory" error, run 'php artisan storage:link' solved the issue

Third party packages used
