
The movie database gatsby app with login via Auth0. The app use a prisma server for backend.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



This project requires a server to be running, it can be found here Graphql-server-prisma

Auth0 single page app


$ yarn

Then you can start the development server with.

$ gatsby develop

This requires gatsby to be install globally, guide can be found here Quick Start Gatsby

Environment variables

  1. touch a .env.development and a .env.production in root dir
Key Value
AUTH0_DOMAIN your domain
AUTH0_CLIENTID your clientId
AUTH0_CALLBACK http://localhost:8000/callback
TMDB_API_KEY The movie database api key
RADARR_API_KEY Radarr Api key
RADARR_ROOT_FOLDER_PATH Folder where movies are added
PUSHOVER_USER_KEY Pushover user key
PATH_PREFIX for production

Build and deploy

When ready for production stop the development server and run

gatsby build --prefix-paths # for setting prefix in gatsby-config.js
gatsby build

View the production site locally. Run:

gatsby serve --prefix-paths

More info in this can be found here


constants you can find all static contants e.g. routes. Here you can change your prisma and radarr endpoint.

Work do be done

  1. Landing Page for users that is not logged in. It would be nice to create something static here, with images of movies.
  2. Navbar is just a simple nav. More complex navbar with dropdown etc.
  3. Create a account page where user can see the requested movies. I have a branch for this.
  4. In account page users should be able to turn of and on pushnotifications. This is already implemented on the server.