
Blog Topic

My proposed blog topic is a narrative type of scientifc blog, using my own personal stories. These stories will focus on the specific animals (painted grasshopper, moose, bear, bison, etc.) and the environments (Black Mesa, Rocky Mountians, Wichita Mountains, etc.) they were in. They will focus around the activities of hunting, hiking, and camping.

I hope these stories will educate my readers of the certain places and animals I have experienced, and inspire them to go those places to experience it for themselves. My audience will be nature lovers who are looking for new places to travel to, and who may want to learn more about specific creatures. I will promote it by having a website and a way for my audience to email or call me to contact me.

What can I write specifically about?

I can write specifcally about the birds that I hunt and the places I have been. The places I can talk about, I can talk about the animals very clearly that were there. I have seen specific animals with my own eyes in these specific places on several occasions. These places where I have hunted, hiked, and camped are very etched in my mind, because I have experienced them first hand many times. I am also i conservation major, so I am constantly thinking of these places, flora, and fauna from a wildlife management perspective. I think giving a specific description of these places, and the fauna and flora that inhabit it, will educate, entertain, and inspire my readers. These specific places include: Wichita Mountains in SW Oklahoma, Black Mesa in far NW Oklahoma, the Black Canyon of the Gunnison River in SW Colorado, and the Lake City area of Colorado, which houses many nationnal forest and mountain ranges, as well as the Alpine Loop Back Country Byway.

These specific areas house certain aspects such as:

  • geological feautures
  • flowers
  • trees
  • megafauna
  • microfauna
  • climate
  • human impact/population

Also the the specific birds that I hunt, and the specific process of hunting certain birds. Using my expeirences I can tell stoires which involve scientific facts that cover the hunt and the landscape.

  • Rio Grand Turkey
  • Quail
  • Pheasant
  • Duck
  • Goose

Which are hunted in environments such as:

  • short grass prairie
  • shinnery oak prairie
  • agricultural pond area

For my blog topic I will combine the two areas of interest: hiking and hunting. They will be centered around

  • where am I?
  • why am I there?
  • what is the fauna and flora of the area and the impact they have?