make it easy to turn a lot of potentially large csv files into easily accessible open data
- 0
Periodic 502s on the /schools endpoint
#313 opened by LindsayYoung - 0
Accepting NULL as part of range
#320 opened by willblaschko - 2
- 2
How do we query the college score card and just get all data but only for a given year?
#318 opened by markalanevans - 1
- 1
Upgrade Padrino
#311 opened by yozlet - 1
Use ElasticSearch bulk import to speed up indexing
#263 opened by yozlet - 1
- 3
Read CSVs in chunks using smarter_csv
#293 opened by ultrasaurus - 0
Upgrade Stretchy for ES 2.x
#282 opened by yozlet - 10
- 1
- 1
- 1
NR error: "Undefined method '[]' for nil:NilClass" in QueryBuilder#search_location
#265 opened by yozlet - 1
- 2
to improve indexing performance, we should let Elasticsearch do the update
#267 opened by ultrasaurus - 1
to use git flow merging strategy we want files to be the same in dev, staging, master
#289 opened by ultrasaurus - 7
- 0
if config fails to load, error should be logged
#255 opened by ultrasaurus - 3
allow Cloud Foundry configuration with an array of elasticsearch instances
#207 opened by ultrasaurus - 0
connect rubocop to set some coding standards and ensure that that new commits are consistent
#285 opened by ultrasaurus - 5
- 3
Possible memory leak issues in Puma.
#218 opened by ozzyjohnson - 0
Incompatibility with ElasticSearch 2.x
#248 opened by yozlet - 0
- 0
Can't push to CF with current Ruby version
#271 opened by yozlet - 1
- 0
- 0
Update API documentation with /stats endpoint info
#264 opened by yozlet - 0
- 0
DataMagic::QueryBuilder#add_aggregations uses config#column_field_types, probably shouldn't
#257 opened by yozlet - 1
- 0
- 0
Add a "config" endpoint which lets us examine the config with which the server was started
#251 opened by yozlet - 1
- 2
- 1
NoMethodError: undefined method `each' for "/home/vcap/app/app/stylesheets":String
#219 opened by dnesting - 4
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 5
Searching by 2013.completion.title_iv.low_inc.completed_by.4yrs gives Internal Server Error
#230 opened by hollyallen - 1
- 2
- 2
- 1
Search with ZIP+4 results in Internal Server Error (ElasticSearch BadRequest)
#216 opened by dnesting - 0
SystemStackError: stack level too deep
#217 opened by ozzyjohnson - 0