A handbook for the 18F product team and to promote our product management best practices.
- adbordenRivian
- Allen616Citizen Labs
- awgeezrickToronto Police Service
- bgrrttMighty/@mightyinthemidwest
- bleestein
- catsoup11789@bywatersolutions
- ccirdCloud Computing Institute for Research & Development, Inc
- cd-rite
- cwonrailsWashington DC
- emilyyostLivingston, Montana
- femmebot
- JeketЛюбимая Фабрика
- jimacoffAbukem Inc
- johaacke
- mattgilesNew York
- mgasner
- micahtaylorAd Hoc
- mkristiansenIreland
- nardsqqMarikina, Philippines
- neoterixNew York
- noah-schechter
- Oluwamakinwa
- OpenGlobeCarnegie Mellon University
- pichotParis, France
- reelwillsmith
- scottynomad
- seanreed1111NYC
- superelectronic
- swathipai13Global
- tarunkjain
- varun-ramaswamy
- yoeldien