
A collection of notes taken about the USPS APIs



This repo is a collection of notes taken by 18F staff as they use different USPS APIs.


There is no single "USPS API". Rather, USPS offers multiple APIs which can be more or less used independent of one another. All of the APIs are XML-based and usually follow the form of:

GET https://secure.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPI.dll?API=[NAME_OF_API]&XML=[AN_XML_STRING]

Point of Contact

The point of contact for its API program is a person named Ben Burgess. His name is listed on their GitHub organization. The email address listed there is WebTools@USPS.gov.

USPS also has a team dedicated to large integrations.

API Permissions

Several of the APIs, such as the shipping label APIs, require permissions before they can be accessed. An email requesting the permission sent to uspstechnicalsupport@mailps.custhelp.com, along with a short summary of how you will use the API should be enough.

Transactional vs. Bulk Use

It's important to note that USPS does not allow its APIs to be used for bulk processing. Rather, API access should be transactional.

Client Libraries

At 18F, we use the USPS Ruby gem on at least one project. The gem covers several of the APIs (but not all).

We also have developed another Ruby gem, usps-proxy which, provides a JSONic interface to the API. This lets us keep API keys secret and avoid generating and parsing XML with client-side Javascript.

Shipping Labels

One current use case for printing shipping labels is a user completes a form online that generates a document that must be printed and mailed somewhere. Including a pre-filled shipping label for users is one way to make the process smoother. Because USPS offers several label-related APIs, it's useful to know each of their capabilities and limitations.

Currently, the USPS gem does not cover any of the shipping label APIs.

Electronic Merchandise Return Service API

Official documentation: https://www.usps.com/business/web-tools-apis/merchandise-return-service-label-api.htm

This API is designed for merchants to simplifiy the merchandise return process for their customers. Postage is already paid by the merchant. The merchant establishes a financial relationship with USPS, usually by providing a credit card or account routing number.

In order to use this API, merchants must apply for a permit by filling submitting the PS 3615 form. There are two fees associated with this permit:

  • $220 annual permit fee
  • $685 annual account maintenance fee

See PS 3621 for a full list of permit fees.

Organizationally, the team that processes PS 3615 is different than the team that grants API permissions.


The EMRS docs indicate that an estimate is acceptable.

Example Request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <CustomerName>Janice Dickens</CustomerName>
  <CustomerAddress1>Ste 201</CustomerAddress1>
  <CustomerAddress2>7 N Wilkes Barre Blvd</CustomerAddress2>
  <CustomerCity>Wilkes Barre</CustomerCity>
  <CustomerZip4 />
  <RetailerName>XYZ Corp.</RetailerName>
  <RetailerAddress>123 Main St</RetailerAddress>
  <PermitIssuingPOCity>New York</PermitIssuingPOCity>
  <PDUFirmName>PDU Firm Co.</PDUFirmName>
  <PDUPOBox>PO Box 100</PDUPOBox>
  <PDUCity>Wilkes Barre</PDUCity>
  <InsuranceValue />
  <RMA>RMA 123456</RMA>

Example Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <InsuranceCost />
  <PDUFirmName>PDU FIRM CO.</PDUFirmName>
  <CustomerAddress1>STE 201</CustomerAddress1>
  <CustomerAddress2>7 N WILKES BARRE BLVD</CustomerAddress2>
  <CustomerCity> WILKES BARRE </CustomerCity>

Express Mail Label API

Official documentation: https://www.usps.com/business/web-tools-apis/priority-mail-express-api.htm

This API allows users to "[g]enerate a single-ply Priority Mail Express shipping label complete with return and delivery addresses, a barcode, and a mailing record for your use."

Postage is unpaid, meaning the user must buy stamps, or weigh the parcel and buy postage at a post office. However, a permit is not required.

PO Boxes

The Priority Express Mail web page says that deliveries to PO Boxes can be made. This might need to be verified with a USPS staffer.


Unlike with EMRS, the Express Mail Label API docs do not indicate that an estimate is acceptable.

[G]iven that the price of the package is based partly on its weight you will want to be as accurate as possible. Any discrepancy may be charged either at the post office window or as postage due to the recipient.

Example Request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ExpressMailLabelCertifyRequest  USERID="XXXXXX">
  <Option />
  <EMCAAccount />
  <EMCAPassword />
  <ImageParameters />
  <FromAddress1>RM 2100</FromAddress1>
  <FromAddress2>475 L’Enfant Plaza SW</FromAddress2>
  <ToFirm>XYZ Corporation</ToFirm>
  <ToAddress1>Ste 100</ToAddress1>
  <ToAddress2>2 Massachusetts Ave NE</ToAddress2>
  <ToZip4 />
  <SenderName>Adam Smith</SenderName>
  <RecipientName>Janice Dickens</RecipientName>

Example Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ExpressMailLabelCertifyResponse xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  <ToAddress1>Ste 100</ToAddress1>
  <ToAddress2>2 MASSACHUSETTS AVE NE</ToAddress2>
  <ExtraServices />

Further Reading


Standalone Label Generation

TODO: Get more info

[W]e do have an API option that produces only the barcode but there is a certification process involved to get approved to create your own label.