Previously known as: Anonymous Networks
Orbit is a proof-of-concept distributed, peer-to-peer chat application built on top of IPFS.
All content (messages, files, metadata) are saved in IPFS as files or objects.
There's currently a server that tracks the head (IPFS hash) of a linked list that enables traversing the history of a channel's messages. In future this will be replaced by IPNS.
The messages are encrypted by default. Currently there's only one key pair that is used for the crypto. This will change in the future once IPFS has keystore implemented. Please note that atm Orbit is not secure!
- Channel-based chats, usernames
- Drag & drop files to a channel to share them
- Channel modes: password protection to read (Secret), password protection to write (Moderated, only channel "ops" can write)
- Native application on OSX and Linux (Electron)
- Node.js v4.2.x
- Chrome
For development
- Following npm modules installed globally: grunt-cli, mocha, electron-prebuilt
- g++, gcc, make (for building native modules)
- python 2 (for building, some native modules need it, node-fibers perhaps?)
npm install
node index.js
Open http://localhost:3001 in your browser
Orbit uses Electron to wrap the application in native executable.
Build the native distributables:
The builds are in dist/
. Eg. on OSX, open the application from dist/AnonymousNetworks-darwin-x64
(Not supported in native builds atm)
node index.js --bots
Create a file called user.json
and add your wanted credentials:
"username": "bot",
"password": "password"
Start the program:
node index.js [--bots]
Build all:
Build for individual platforms:
grunt build_nodejs_osx
grunt build_nodejs_linux
grunt build_native_osx
grunt build_native_linux
The builds are in dist/
cd client/
npm install
grunt build
cd client/
(npm install)
grunt serve
For UI development (webpack-dev-server in the Electron app).
Start the webpack dev server:
cd client/
grunt serve
Start Electron:
cd client/
(npm install electron-prebuilt -g)
export ENV=dev
electron .
Make sure you don't have the node.js version running and no client open the browser.
- Multiline supports in the send message input field
- Try right-aligned channels panels
- Add keyboard shortcuts for: open channels panel, close channels panel, next channel, previous channel, focus on send message, open settings
- Add trackbar to channel (line between new and previously seen messages)
- Fix browser file upload
- Skip lists for LL items in order to prevent channel history traversal to get stuck completely
- Fix Electron non-dev flow
- Add notification bubbles to native app
- Display notifications when app is unfocused
- move message type from MetaInfo to Message.content
- SwarmStore
- Tab to finish the username when writing
- If it's truly a linked list, you could take advantage of for efficient seeking to any point in the history. (from Ion)
- Private messages (one-to-one messages)
- Add Katex/Mathjax support along with markdown (from davidar)
- Empty channels when no swarm peers. Notify the user that there are no peers atm., re-try logic in backend for connecting to peers if connection failed and there are 0 peers
- feature: markdown as content type in messages (like files/lists)
- add caching of packages to go-ipfs / node install.js
- password for username is unclear (and buggy: can't enter no password)
- feature: download manager
- cache UI fonts locally (package with the app)
- flashing "Anonymous" user name for a known user
- bug: slow internet makes the app respond slower (how ui elements appear, sending messages feedback delay, etc.)
- subcomandante needs to be platform-agnostic (remove #!/usr/bin/env node)
- convert MessageStore (UI) to ES6
- easier network setup than network.json
- hook log4js to ws so that backend logs get to browser
- aliases for peer addresses, "known as"
- bug: loading time at join if there are new messages in network
- favorites view, add(/remove) to favorites, uses DirectoryView only, localStorage for storing Maps {hash,links}, check possibility to save to network
- fix autolinks for http://localhost:port (fix in react-autolink)
- add file progress notification (loading text)
- emoji auto-completion
- emoji descriptions to image alt (fix in react-emoji)
- fancy link preview
- download a directory
- Fix: messages longer than 256 bytes can't be sent
- Fix: /me is parsed from the full content, not from the start
- Fix: Integrate with a running ipfs daemon (orbitdb-archive#1, dignifiedquire)
- bug: UI <-> daemon connection state gets fckd
- setting channel passwords is unclear
- bug: when node who posted head is offline and nobody else has the head hash, whole channel gets fckd
- use POST instead of GET where it makes sense
- Fix "Unauthorized" bug after setting channel passwords
- Components for rendering ipfs links, mentions and localhost links (TextMessage.js)
- Add screenshots to the README and repo
- Release UI source code
- Possibility to have multiple channels open at one time
- loading animation to channel.join
- Feature: notifications
- recent channels (and settings?) read from locaStorage should be per user
- Bug: unfetched messages can end in another channel --> cancel fetching messages on leave#
- setup electron dev workflow
- "New messages" notification broken on channels that have less than div.height messages
- back to top button (overlay)
Feature: autolinks for ipfs hashesFeature: Highlight mentions of usernameFix: Limit username length (from victorbjelkholm)Fix: Swarm connect errors: (from dignifiedquire)Fixed: Confusing with the latest messages being in the top though, should probably be the other way around (from dignifiedquire, victorbjelkholm)Fixed: bug: emojify breaks links to host:3001 (0:3 == angel smiley)
channel status message component that displays the various states of the channel ("this is a new channel", "you're not allowed to post")bug: can post to channel without read password (only need to know write password)flip messages from newest-on-top to newest-at-bottom, make it a settingfix streaming/download problems, connection refused problems (ipfs bug?)drag & drop files and foldersbetter file upload inputfix autologinbug: swarm list is not scrollablelinux native build (electron)normal window keyb shortcuts don't work in electron app (cmd+w)split main into SocketInterface and HTTPInterfaceauto-login on application start (credentials from user.json?) for dev purposesbug: copy&paste text doesn't work in electron app (works in browser)channels keep breaking when heads are out of syncbug: can't ctrl-c electron app on linuxchange # icon (channels settings) to options/settings icon, add icons to projectdisable send message/add file at join when user doens't have channel write permissionschange login screen form to use the new styledouble folder bug when adding a dir (ipfs bug perhaps)identity should return cache server host (don't read from config.json)add ChannelInfo data structure and endpoints, return channels's info (mode)fix the send input alignment (controls alignment in general)private channelsread-only channels (lists), "op mode"desktop dist build (electron app?)move Directory.getHumanReadableBytes to its own modulemove to use ES6 in clientrefactor MessageStor.sendMessage to use sockets instead of httpusername before joining a networkmove chang to Vagrant as node2, rename node in vagrant to node1SwarmView (show connected peers, connect to a peer) in the UIoptions: colored namessettings page (emojis on/off)bootsrappable nodes (Vagrantfile)display usernamefix cacherrefactor list/file loading from backend in UI (use ws instead of api)usernamesrefactor identity to use asyncawaitmessages-while-away bug: only MessageStore.mount is fetched, so if there's more than 20, only the 20 latest will be fetchedsome messages are cached twice (messages vs. objects, see sqlite3 tables)add "pin" button for files and directoriesopen browser when launching indexsmileys (emoticons)start identity and cache on DO from Vagrantwrite log to filefix TextMessage + emojis alignmentput identity on separate serverclean up node_modules mess, remove from git, new repo from fresh (dist-to-friend repo?)message loading performance should be improved (on client)fix recent channels data handlingmake message fetching a push modelfetching sometimes gets out of sync (still), older messages are not fetched (cacher problem only. too fast?)some weirdness when channel updates while you're gone (client side problem perhaps?)fix "unique key" error in SQLite3 queriesproper local message caching (redis? sqlite?)cacher servicemove boostrapping out of conf (manually after daemon has started)network server should return boostrap nodesmobile send message/add fileremove recent channelssimple encryption of messageslog4jspub/sub to improve messagingfix single file downloaddirectory views with Reactdownload iconspin important files like user data file, feeds and messagesUI
- Spotify
- Netflix
- Collaborative document editing
- Git
- Wiki
- Forums
From the log on sending a message:
[DEBUG] - Sending message...
[DEBUG] - --- Message -------------------------------------------
[DEBUG] - To: #GXmxYYp1AT5joyj1Zdb7f8WNEyQvnYwLJ9zKMdQzmqxN
[DEBUG] - Message: 'hello'
[DEBUG] - Hash: QmZ3f9EcN7tHeD6EyzqrySj6KsbRPeDBFuBkBqT1Nx1PKV
[DEBUG] - Meta: QmSWHUxa4ByDgW4AnrKdsVvqr151Vd9SYgZH1czpe4EAKc
[DEBUG] - -------------------------------------------------------
[DEBUG] - Message sent!
The message content is encrypted and saved as a separate ipfs object.
ipfs object get QmZ3f9EcN7tHeD6EyzqrySj6KsbRPeDBFuBkBqT1Nx1PKV
"Links": [],
"Data": "{\"content\":\"Um/+VbM2ay0jxIZpjLzLung7nLbjOOmqonPZnbXd6zOz4QTvMYiUgtpe7X/0oTfy0w8m3981rfZSgX86onBX6724M6vxiHNI9nMD0gbwleAQV7BTx+5X3NqG0LFDeEW2iduwvanc0YJIpFLL5yYCRQUybc531n8/5hNk7obWvkd5kI8FST+j9S4SX0G5lz8rWiHrqR1QAo3c1g40V3fk2C9huOuMovn7YkhN+AWTKxjmkvd6dIbBVw0YnoSTzgpdkhHb2RWBi7z1kYfYSiPiqmPNQvBoMCe1Dm0o7y70ond/A+XqBAyX2JFHyt1XrB1SP6SCZs5OZk0P1/S31nxxdA==\",\"link\":null,\"ts\":1447339736170}"
A linked list "meta" object is created, link to the next message is added and the payload, as json, gets encrypted. The message gets signed with (sha512(payload, salt) + salt + sequence number, privkey). Payload contains the hash to the actual content. The hash of the created ipfs object is the head of the linked list. The head gets sent to server.
ipfs object get QmSWHUxa4ByDgW4AnrKdsVvqr151Vd9SYgZH1czpe4EAKc
"Links": [
"Name": "next",
"Hash": "QmVyt1t93ptUoFG6QetWRAcwPdeAVqYEs2bK38yztJAHmG",
"Size": 103986
"Data": "{\"seq\":51,\"pubkey\":\"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\\nlSErmB6aqZ2+0w==\\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\\n\",\"payload\":\"j2sACz4bNjU9MqlJuWRrzHiaQlq+T8U29thB77WRbXe8KzuOZgtL90hUAVha+ZMIa+oYSvdPnGa5OlCQM452nwZUHLoW4NI6dHeKlCiGtcoqC3LpZBC7GZb+21l6F4MQwSmfRPRaqUdmDGzHql/zwvR2ZpTh8PlkW9SPF0QiJRe7lFmkhny52zVlaHz1/xAquk8d6VeqLQAf4Tj9ZP+f/dVMA7CXJzmiHeYIyZQ2vJKdEoWNnrmjxQPyDFSlNcI2D30ue7UmoEPKnjFws2NN0mIbRMZ6o+InSMgTrc9jD8mL4tlN7FgcU1H7+zdLuwUHiOWEUdk55M4mp4vWvH4Vww==\",\"sig\":\"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\"}"
works on api 2.2.1 and ctl 0.6.1