
Threat Hunting Reconnaissance Toolkit

Primary LanguagePowerShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


-Threat Hunting Reconnaissance Toolkit-

Collect endpoint information for use in incident response, threat hunting, live forensics, baseline monitoring, etc.

Host Info Processes* Services Autoruns Drivers
ARP DLLs* EnvVars Hosts File ADS
DNS Strings* Users & Groups Ports Select Registry
Hotfixes Handles* Sofware Hardware Event Logs
Net Adapters Net Routes Sessions Shares Certificates
Scheduled Tasks TPM Bitlocker Recycle Bin User Files

* Info pulled from current running processes or their executables on disk.

Use one of the methods below to analyze for potential compromise/adversary activity leveraging the Mitre Attack Framework or other threat hunting methods:

  • Pull a snapshot from a single system into a list of easy-to-analyze csv files
  • Ingest using your SIEM of choice (Check out THRecon-Elasticstack and SIEM Tactics)
  • Pull directly into Powershell objects for further enrichment


Quick Start


  • Requires Powershell 5.0 or above on the "scanning" device.
  • Requires Powershell 3.0 or higher on target systems (2.0 may be adequate in some cases).
  • When scanning a remote machine without the psexec wrapper (Invoke-THR_PSExec), requires WinRM service on remote machine.

After install, a new Powershell window will provide access to the functions.

Install with Git

git clone https://github.com/TonyPhipps/THRecon C:\Users\$env:UserName\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\THRecon

To update, use

cd $ENV:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\THRecon
git pull

Install with PowerShell

$Modules = "$ENV:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\"
New-Item -ItemType Directory $Modules\THRecon\ -force
Invoke-WebRequest https://github.com/TonyPhipps/THRecon/archive/master.zip -OutFile $Modules\master.zip
Expand-Archive $Modules\master.zip -DestinationPath $Modules
Copy-Item $Modules\THRecon-master\* $Modules\THRecon\ -Force -Recurse
Remove-Item  $Modules\THRecon-master -Recurse -Force

To update, simply run the same block of commands again.

Run Invoke-THR

This command will output results of a scan against localhost to c:\temp\

Invoke-THR -Quick -Output c:\temp\


All functions take full advantage of the built in comment-based help system. Use Get-Help cmdlet to review detailed syntax and documentation on each individual function included, e.g. get-help get-thr_computer -full.


By default, all modules will run against remote systems utilizing PowerShell's Invoke-Command cmdlet, which in turn requires the WinRM service to be enabled on the target system AND administrative rights (WinRM, by default, uses ports 5985 for http or 5986 for https). Utilizing Run-As with a privileged domain account to open powershell.exe or powershell_ise.exe is typically the method used. In the absence of a domain, a local administrator on the target system would be required.

Running modules locally does not require WinRM, as Invoke-Command is skipped. The Invoke-THR_PSexec function combined with this fact provides a workaround when WinRM is not an option. Invoke-THR_PSexec requires Sysinternals psexec and a slightly different syntax (details via get-help Invoke-THR_PSexec -Full).


This toolkit consists of multiple functions deployed within a module. The installation of the entire module is recommended, but other options are available. The Quick Start provides multiple install methods. The per-user installation method was purposefully used in the Quick-Install scripts, rather than installing for all users. Non-privileged use of the scripts will provide abnormal or no results.

Optionally, functions can be installed as modules via Import-Module Get-THR_FunctionName.psm1 -Force. This can be useful if a small modification is required, such as adding a data field or other easily-adjusted code.

Lastly, functions can be installed by opening the .psm1 file and copy-pasting its entire contents into a PowerSell prompt.

General Syntax


Invoke-THR takes advantage of the export-csv cmdlet in this way by exporting ALL enabled modules to csv. The basic syntax is Invoke-THR -Computer [Computername] -Modules [Module1, Module2, etc.] (details via get-help Invoke-THR -Full).


When running a single function against a single endpoint, the typical sytnax is Get-THR_[ModuleName] -Computer [ComputerName], which returns objects relevant to the function called. All modules support the pipeline, which means results can be exported. For example, Get-THR_[ModuleName] -Computer [ComputerName] | export-csv "c:\temp\results.csv" -notypeinformation will utilize PowerShell's built-in csv export function (details via get-help get-thr_[function] -Full).


Invoke-THR_PSExec is provided as a wrapper to simplify working with PSExec, since typical psexec use does not include deploying a module, importing it, running it, storing results, retrieving results, and removing the module and results from the target.

  1. The basic syntax for Invoke-THR_PSExec is Invoke-THR-PSExec -Computer WorkComputer, which runs a default collection. Customization of the collection requires adjusting the -Command parameter: Invoke-thr_psexec -Computer "systemname" -Command 'Invoke-THR -Mod Computer, MAC'

  2. The syntax for a single function where you must specificy parameters (e.g. when you need to run MAC with -Path 'c:') is

$ModulePath = "$ENV:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\THRecon\Functions"
$ModuleName = "Get-THR_MAC.psm1"
$Command = "Get-THR_MAC -Path 'c:\' | export-csv 'c:\Windows\Toolkit\Results\mac.csv' -notypeinformation"

Invoke-THR_PSExec -Computer "systemname" -ModulePath $ModulePath -ModuleName $ModuleName -Command $Command
  1. More details via get-help Invoke-THR_PSExec -Full


Analysis methodologies and techniques are provided in the Wiki pages.


Installing a Powershell Module

If your system does not automatically load modules in your user profile, you may need to import the module manually.

cd $ENV:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\THRecon\
Import-Module .\THRecon.psm1


Output of Command "Invoke-THR"

Output of Command "invoke-thr -verbose"

Output Files

Output Files