
project-0-SinghNikhil1 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Expense Reimbursement System (ERS) API

The Expense Reimbursement System (ERS) will manage the process of reimbursing employees for expenses incurred while on company time. All employees in the company can login and submit requests for reimbursement and view their past tickets and pending requests. Finance managers can log in and view all reimbursement requests and past history for all employees in the company. Finance managers are authorized to approve and deny requests for expense reimbursement.


The User model keeps track of users information.

  userId: number, // primary key           user(hasownproperty)
	username: string, // not null, unique
	password: string, // not null
	firstName: string, // not null
	lastName: string, // not null
	email: string, // not null
	role: Role // not null

The Role model is used to track what permissions a user has

  roleId: number, // primary key
  role: string // not null, unique

The Reimbursement model is used to represent a single reimbursement that an employee would submit

  reimbursementId: number, // primary key
	author: number,  // foreign key -> User, not null
	amount: number,  // not null
  dateSubmitted: number, // not null
  dateResolved: number, // not null
  description: string, // not null
  resolver: number, // foreign key -> User
  status: number, // foreign ey -> ReimbursementStatus, not null
  type: number // foreign key -> ReimbursementType

The ReimbursementStatus model is used to track the status of reimbursements. Status possibilities are Pending, Approved, or Denied.

  statusId: number, // primary key
  status: string // not null, unique

The ReimbursementType model is used to track what kind of reimbursement is being submitted. Type possibilities are Lodging, Travel, Food, or Other.

  typeId: number, // primary key
  type: string, // not null, unique



Security should be handled through session storage. If a user does not have permission to access a particular endpoint it should return the following:

  • Status Code: 401 UNAUTHORIZED
      "message": "The incoming token has expired"
    Occurs if they do not have the appropriate permissions.

Available Endpoints

Retreives users from the database


  • URL /login

  • Method: POST

  • Request:

      username: string,
      password: string
  • Response:

  • Error Response

    • Status Code: 400 BAD REQUEST
      message: "Invalid Credentials"

Find Users

  • URL /users

  • Method: GET

  • Allowed Roles finance-manager

  • Response:


Find Users By Id

  • URL /users/:id

  • Method: GET

  • Allowed Roles finance-manager or if the id provided matches the id of the current user

  • Response:


Update User

  • URL /users

  • Method: PATCH

  • Allowed Roles admin

  • Request The userId must be presen as well as all fields to update, any field left undefined will not be updated.

  • Response:


Find Reimbursements By Status

Reimbursements should be ordered by date

  • URL /reimbursements/status/:statusId
    For a challenge you could do this instead:

  • Method: GET

  • Allowed Roles finance-manager

  • Response:


Find Reimbursements By User

Reimbursements should be ordered by date

  • URL /reimbursements/author/userId/:userId
    For a challenge you could do this instead:

  • Method: GET

  • Allowed Roles finance-manager or if ther userId is the user making the request.

  • Response:


Submit Reimbursement

  • URL /reimbursements

  • Method: POST

  • Rquest: The reimbursementId should be 0

  • Response:

    • Status Code 201 CREATED

Update Reimbursement

  • URL /users

  • Method: PATCH

  • Allowed Roles finance-manager

  • Request The reimbursementId must be presen as well as all fields to update, any field left undefined will not be updated. This can be used to approve and deny.

  • Response:


Stretch Goals

These are not part of the core requirements but are things that could be worked on once the core requirements are done.

  • Password Hashing
  • Paging ans Sorting endpoints: Reference For How
  • Using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) instead of Session Storage
  • Being able to submit receipts. (I would recommend using AWS S3 buckets for this but if you do be cautious of including AWS Access Keys in your application)