To run this project locally, follow these steps:

1. Install Node.js:
   - Download Node.js from
   - Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

2. Download the project:
   - Click on the "Clone or download" button and select "Download ZIP".
   - Extract the downloaded ZIP archive into a folder on your computer.

3. Set up configuration:
   - Navigate to the project directory.
   - Locate the `config.js` file (if not present, create one).
   - Add your credentials and configuration settings. Example:
     module.exports = {
         token: 'your_discord_bot_token_here',
         prefix: '!',
         userId: 'your_user_id_here'
         // Add any other configuration variables as needed

4. Install project dependencies:
   - Open a terminal or command prompt.
   - Navigate to the project directory.
   - Run the following command:
     npm install

5. Start the application:
   - After installation, start the application by running:

For more details or troubleshooting, refer to the project documentation. developer is not responsible for any harm.