此项目是 bombayjs 后台管理系统
bombayjs 是前端监控解决方案,包括 bombayjs、bombayjs-server、bombayjs-admin 三个项目
- https://github.com/122687220/bombayjs (web sdk)
- https://github.com/122687220/bombayjs-server (服务端,用于提供 api)
- https://github.com/122687220/bombayjs-admin (后台管理系统,可视化数据等)
Install node_modules
npm install
Ant Design Pro provides some useful script to help you quick start and build with web project, code style check and test.
Scripts provided in package.json
. It's safe to modify or add additional script:
npm start
if you are running the server, you can run without mock
npm run start:no-mock
npm run build
npm run lint
You can also use script to auto fix some lint error:
npm run lint:fix
npm test