
About the project

It is a web application where users can post advert in the real estate sector. To create a registration, tokens are purchased with Email and Password. Thanks to the Gateway, the desired CRUD operations are authorized via this token. The desired service can be accessed through the Gateway.

Within the scope of this project, 5 services have been prepared.

  • Admin Service
  • Banner Service
  • Cloud Gateway
  • Emlakjet
  • Report Service

Getting started

Make sure port 5432,5672,15672,8080,8081,8082,8083,8084 are not in use

Installing & Running Emlakjet Microservices

mvn clean install
docker-compose up

# try forcing a image rebuild
docker-compose up --build --force-recreate

To execute the API's through the gateway

1) localhost:8080/login 
2) localhost:8080/advert-api/** -> emlakjet
3) localhost:8080/banner-api/** -> emlakjet-banner 
4) localhost:8080/report-api/** -> emlakjet-report
5) localhost:8080/admin-api/** -> emlakjet-admin

Basic use cases

1) Signup a new user

2) Login with the created user to get authentication token

3) Create an address

4) Create a property

5) Create a advert

You can see the api documentation on the swagger page after you run all the services. Swagger will be available on;

Gateway/Auth   -> http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
Emlakjet       -> http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui.html
Banner         -> http://localhost:8082/swagger-ui.html
Report         -> http://localhost:8083/swagger-ui.html
Admin          -> http://localhost:8084/swagger-ui.html


  path : localhost:8080/login 
Parameter Access Point Explanation
POST login/ Creates a token for the user whose email and password are given


  path : localhost:8080/advert-api/**
Parameter Access Point Explanation
POST address/ Create an address.
GET address/{id} It brings the ad according to the given advert number.
GET addresses Brings up all the addresses.
Parameter Access Point Explanation
POST /property Create an property
GET /properties Brings up all the properties.
GET /property/{id} It brings the property according to the id number.
Parameter Access Point Explanation
POST /advert Create an advert.
PUT /advert/{advertId} It allows to update the advert according to the id number.
GET /advert/{advertNo} It brings the advert according to the id number.
GET /advert/get10 Brings up 10 active ads..
Parameter Access Point Explanation
POST /signup It allows registration.
GET /user/{userId} It brings the user according to the id number.
GET /users Brings up all the users.


  path : localhost:8080/banner-api/**
Parameter Access Point Explanation
POST /banner Create an banner.
GET /banners Brings up all the baners.


  path : localhost:8080/report-api/**
Parameter Access Point Explanation
PUT /report/{advertId} It allows to update the generated reports.
GET /report/{id} It brings the report according to the advert id.


  path : localhost:8080/admin-api/**
Parameter Access Point Explanation
PUT /admin/make-active/{id} Activates the advert according to the given advert id.
PUT /admin/make-passive/{id} Makes advert passive according to the given advert id.
GET /admin/{userId} It brings the user according to the id number.
GET /admin/active Brings up 10 active ads..
GET /admin/all-advert Brings up all the adverts.
GET /admin/last-10-advert Brings up 10 last ads..
GET /admin/passive Brings up 10 passive ads..
GET /admin/review Brings up 10 in-review ads..



Postman Screenshots

Sign up




Create Address


Create Property


Create Advert


Considerations During the Writing of the Project

  • It has been tried to make sure that the code is clean, understandable and easy to read.
  • It has been tried to be written in accordance with the code structure. It was created taking into account the layered architecture.
  • This project has been tried to be done in accordance with the microservice architecture.
  • Exception Handling have been tried to be used.
  • Programming principles (SOLID etc.) were tried to be taken into account.

Future Work

  • Logging and Exception Handling can be diversified to make them more inclusive across the whole code.
  • Logging operations written to a file or database.
  • Instead of using a common database, each service can be connecting to its own database to be more secure.
  • Design patterns can be used.
  • The unit test should be developed by writing new tests for all services and all cases of these services' methods.
  • A suitable frontend can be written.