
http network package for dart and flutter

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


This is a powerful http request library from Dart. It has a chain call interceptor, through which we can implement many functions.

For example, it provides an interceptor to mock the back-end response. This allows us to quickly build and debug the UI without relying on the progress of the back-end programmer.


Quick Start

  gio: latest
import 'dart:convert';

import 'package:gio/gio.dart' as gio;

void main() async {
  var resp =
      await gio.get("http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone/Asia/Shanghai");

  /// GET http://example.com?a=1&b=2
  resp = await gio.get("http://example.com", queryParameters: {"a": "1", "b": "2"});

  /// POST Form Data
  var data = {"username": "Bob", "passwd": "123456"};
  var header = {"content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"};
  resp = await gio.post("http://example.com", headers: header,body: data);

  /// POST JSON Data
  /// Note: if JSON data is passed, 
  /// then body should be a string type
  var data2 = {"name": "Bob", "age": "22"};
  var header2 = {"content-type":"application/json"};
  resp = await gio.post("http://example.com", headers: header,body: jsonEncode(data));

You can also use Gio like the following, where you can reuse this connection before it is closed:

import 'package:gio/gio.dart';

void main() async{
  Gio gio = Gio();
    var resp = await gio.get("http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone/Asia/Shanghai");

Global Configuration

We can use GioOption to set a global base url:

import 'package:gio/gio.dart' as gio;

void main() async{
  gio.Gio.option = gio.GioOption(
      basePath: 'https://giomock.io',
      enableLog: true

  // equivalent to https://giomock.io/greet
  var resp = await gio.get("/greet", queryParameters: {'name': 'Bob'});

Set enableLog to true to enable the global log for easy tracking of requests.

Note here that if you have basePath configured in GioOption but you are not applying this basePath in some request, then you need to override this parameter in the request as follows:

import 'package:gio/gio.dart';

void main() async {
  Gio.option = GioOption(
      basePath: 'https://giomock.io',
      enableLog: true

  // Set the `baseUrl` of `Gio` to an empty string
  // to override the global configuration
  Gio gio = Gio(baseUrl: '');
    var resp = await gio.get("http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone/Asia/Shanghai");


An interceptor type, i.e., a function or closure that matches the following signature:

typedef Interceptor = Future<StreamedResponse> Function(Chain chain);

Gio interceptors are divided into three types

  • global interceptor
  • local interceptor
  • default interceptor

Note that among these three types of interceptors, the local interceptor is called first, followed by the global interceptor, and finally the default interceptor.

Global Interceptor

Global interceptors are valid globally, set with GioOption:

void main() async {
  // declare an interceptor
  checkHeader(gio.Chain chain) {
    var auth = chain.request.headers['Authorization'];
    // When the condition is met, continue to execute the next interceptor, 
    // otherwise, interrupt the request
    if (auth != null && auth.isNotEmpty) {
      return chain.proceed(chain.request);
    throw Exception('Invalid request, does not contain Authorization!');

  // the parameter is a list, multiple interceptors can be set
  gio.Gio.option = gio.GioOption(
      basePath: 'http://worldtimeapi.org', 
      globalInterceptors: [checkHeader]);

  try {
    var resp = await gio.get("/api/timezone/Asia/Shanghai");
  } catch (e) {
Exception: Invalid request, does not contain Authorization!

Process finished with exit code 0

Local interceptor

Local interceptors can also add multiple:

import 'package:gio/gio.dart';

void main() async {
  Gio gio = Gio();

  // Intercept the request and modify the request header
  gio.addInterceptor((chain) {
    if (chain.request.method == "POST") {
      chain.request.headers["content-type"] = "application/json";
    return chain.proceed(chain.request);

  // Intercept the response and do some business processing here
  gio.addInterceptor((chain) async {
    var res = await chain.proceed(chain.request);
    if (res.statusCode != 200) {
      throw Exception(
          "The request is unsuccessful, the status code is ${res.statusCode}");
    return res;

  try {
    var resp =
    await gio.get("http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone/Asia/Shanghai");
  } catch (e) {
  } finally {

We can also put the interceptor logic into a class instead of a closure, which can better organize our code.

Here we implement an example of canceling the request, when the user leaves the view, the result of the request may no longer be needed:


import 'package:gio/gio.dart';

class CancelInterceptor {
  bool _isCancel = false;

  void cancel() {
    _isCancel = true;

  Future<StreamedResponse> call(Chain chain) async {
    if (_isCancel) {
      throw CancelError("User initiated cancellation.");
    var res = await chain.proceed(chain.request);
    if (_isCancel) {
      throw CancelError("User initiated cancellation.");
    return res;


import 'package:gio/gio.dart';

void main(){
  var cancelInterceptor = CancelInterceptor();

Future<void> testCancel(CancelInterceptor cancel) async {
  Gio g = Gio();
  try {
    var res = await g.get("http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone/Asia/Shanghai");
  } on CancelError {
    print("request has been canceled");
  } finally {
Group Interceptors

Interceptors allow us to use a uniform way of handling network requests, but sometimes we may need to customize network requests based on modules. Grouped interceptors are used in just such scenarios.

import 'package:gio/gio.dart' as gio;

void main() async {
  // Setting up group interceptors

  var module1 = gio.GioGroup("module1");
    var resp = module1.get("http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone/Asia/Shanghai");

  var module2 = gio.GioGroup("module2");
    var resp = module2.get("http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone/Asia/Shanghai");

Default Interceptor

The default interceptor refers to several interceptors included in GioOption, they are:

  • GioLogInterceptor
  • GioConnectInterceptor
  • GioMockInterceptor

We can customize these interceptors to replace the default interceptors:

import 'package:gio/gio.dart';

void main() async {
  Gio.option = GioOption(
    connectInterceptor: MyConnectInterceptor(),
    logInterceptor: MyLogInterceptor()

  Gio gio = Gio();
    var resp = await gio.get("http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone/Asia/Shanghai");

class MyConnectInterceptor extends GioConnectInterceptor{

  Future<bool> checkConnectivity() {
    // TODO: Check here whether the current network is connected
      throw ConnectiveError(101,"Mobile Network Data disabled !");
      // or
      // throw ConnectiveError(102,"Wifi disabled !");

class MyLogInterceptor extends GioLogInterceptor{
  Future<StreamedResponse> call(Chain chain) async {
    final request = chain.request;
    // _logRequest(request);
    try {
      final response = await chain.proceed(request);
      // _logResponse(response);
      return response;
    } catch (e) {
      // _logUnknownError(e, request);

Note that default interceptors are also globally available.

Here, we can implement log tracking in the interceptor and request time-consuming monitoring. You can refer to the source code of GioLogInterceptor.

Mock Response

Mock Response is a very useful feature when you want to develop the UI first or test and debug the UI without a service backend.

  gio: latest
  gio_mock: latest

To use the feature of mocking the backend response, you need to set the mockInterceptor parameter, as in the example:

void main() async{
  gio.Gio.option = gio.GioOption(
      basePath: 'https://giomock.io',
      mockInterceptor: GioMockServer(MyMockChannel()));

  var resp = await gio.get("/greet", queryParameters: {'name': 'Bob'});

  var data = {"username": "Bob", "passwd": "123456"};
  var header = {"content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"};
  resp = await gio.post("/login", headers: header,body: data);

  var data2 = {
  header = {"content-type":"application/json"};
  resp = await gio.post("/list", headers: header,body: jsonEncode(data2));

Next you need to create the MyMockChannel:

import 'package:gio_mock/gio_mock.dart';
import 'package:gio_mock/src/http/response_x.dart';

class MyMockChannel extends MockChannel{

  void entryPoint() {
    get("/greet",(MockRequest request){
      return ResponseX.ok("hello,${request.query['name']}");

    post("/login",(MockRequest request){
      return ResponseX.ok(request.bodyFields);

    post("/list",(MockRequest request){
      return ResponseX.ok(request.body);

We need to register routes in the entryPoint method, you can use methods such as get/post to register routes for HTTP requests.

The second parameter to these methods is a handler for the route response, where you can process the request parameters and return the response.