
Scripts and tools for building and running NixOS VMs using Hyperkit on macOS.

Primary LanguageShell

NixOS on Hyperkit

Scripts and tools for building and running NixOS VMs using Hyperkit on macOS.

Build a suitable ISO for automated installation

  1. Download a minimal installation CD from the NixOS download page saving it in the isos directory.
# https://d3g5gsiof5omrk.cloudfront.net/nixos/18.03/nixos-18.03.132687.14c248a4ab7/nixos-minimal-18.03.132687.14c248a4ab7-x86_64-linux.iso
mkdir isos/nixos-minimal-18.03.132687.14c248a4ab7-x86_64-linux.iso
curl -Lo nixos-minimal-18.03.132687.14c248a4ab7-x86_64-linux.iso/raw.iso https://d3g5gsiof5omrk.cloudfront.net/nixos/18.03/nixos-18.03.132687.14c248a4ab7/nixos-minimal-18.03.132687.14c248a4ab7-x86_64-linux.iso
  1. Start a VM using the downloaded installation CD.
make livecd ISO=isos/nixos-minimal-18.03.132687.14c248a4ab7-x86_64-linux.iso
  1. In the VM, start the SSH dameon and set a root password.
systemctl start sshd
  1. Find the IP address of the VM and copy iso.nix to the VM.
bin/scp iso.nix root@
  1. Remount the tmpfs used by the Nix store with more space to ensure the ISO can build.
mount -o remount,size=2G /nix/.rw-store
  1. Build the ISO.
nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.isoImage -I nixos-config=iso.nix
  1. Copy the ISO from the VM to the isos directory.
mkdir isos/nixos-custom-18.03.132628.a381b789984-x86_64-linux.iso
bin/scp root@ \