
provee is a library for writing system provisioning scripts in Racket.

Primary LanguageRacket


provee is a library for writing system provisioning scripts in Racket.


  1. Limited Scope

    Unlike the Ansibles, Salts, Chefs and Puppets of the world, provee does not want to be everything. It merely wants to provide you with procedures and tools that allow you to write clear, concise scripts to ensure things, like, packages are installed, configuration files contain the correct contents and services are restarted when they need to be. Those scripts need to be run on the hosts (or in the containers) they're meant to configure. provee has no opinions on remote execution or orchestration. Due to the choice of Racket, however, pacakging, shipping and running scripts on remote hosts can be as simple as using raco exe and raco dist to build a standalone distribution of the script that can be copied to the host with rsync or scp and, finally, exectuted with ssh requiring nothing to be preinstalled on the target host. provee is designed to target modern Linux systems.

  2. Logging

    provee aims to send as much information as possible through Racket's built-in logging infrastructure. This allows users of the library to setup their own log receivers and react to events produced by provee as they see fit. provee even uses its own logged events to implement features. The ensure:together macro is designed to run its body arguments and merge all the results produced by other ensure: procedures into a single meta result. This can be useful in a case where you have a set of results and you want to perform some function if any of them have changed after running. It accomplishes this by simply setting up a log receiver on the 'provee/results topic in a separate thread while running its body arguments and capturing the result objects as they're published, eventually providing the meta result back to the main thread to return as the result of the expression.

  3. Result diffs and metadata

    All successful results returned by ensure: procedures are meant to contain diffs of relevent values and useful metadata about the result. provee provides procedures for displaying diffs of various types of values. For example, when displaying a file diff, the output is reminiscent of that from the diff command and when displying the difference of two integers labeled as file modes, they are displayed in octal because that's the format most would expect.


An example project exists in the example/ directory that shows what installing and configuring Dnsmasq on a home server might look like.