
To open the circuit diagram(.pdsprj) you need Proteus 8.7 software

You need ArduinoIDE for open arduino and nodeMCU code and required some Arduino Support Library:

MQTT-Mosquito server installation on Ubuntu

Installation Commands:

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt install -y mosquitto mosquitto-clients

Check Mosquitto detail:

$ mosquitto -v

Auto-run on-boot command:

$ sudo systemctl enable mosquitto.service

Find Hostname:

$ hostname -I

Test mosquitto server

Terminal 1: Subscribe a topic

$ mosquitto_sub -d -t testTopic

Terminal 2: Publish message of the topic

$ mosquitto_pub -d -t testTopic -m "Hello Mosquitto's subscriber"


This cource is designde by Bidyut Debnath(me) Email:

Some of the resources are developed by the help of open source tutorials like @Arduino @Wiki @CISCO @TutorialPoint @w3school