
Quick demo to demonstrate the use of firebase web push notifications with the use of `javascript` on frontend, `django` on backend and push notifications via `fcm-django` pypi package for django.

Primary LanguagePython


Quick demo to demonstrate the use of firebase web push notifications with the use of javascript on frontend, django on backend and push notifications via fcm-django pypi package for django. Python3 compatible only!

Quick start


  • install python 3, pip
  • in fcm-django-web-demo:
    • create virtual environment with python -m venv env
    • activate virtual environment with . env/bin/activate or .\env\Scripts\activate.ps1 for Windows' Powershell
    • install necessary Python packages with pip install -r mysite/requirements.txt


  • in fcm-django-web-demo/frontend:
    • run server with python -m http.server 8001


  • in fcm-django-web-demo/mysite:
    • run database migrations with python manage.py migrate
    • create Django administrator with python manage.py createsuperuser
    • collect static files with python manage.py collectstatic
    • run server with python manage.py runserver

how to use

  • open http://localhost:8001 in your browser of choice
  • request token and allow firebase to send notifications to your browser (device) - if notifications are already allowed, there will only be a token displayed
  • you should now be seeing your instance id token on the aforementioned URL
  • if you go to django admin, http://localhost:8000/admin/fcm_django/fcmdevice/ and login with the superuser you created earlier, you should be seeing a FCMDevice instance for your browser
  • send yourself a test notification with django admin actions OR
  • send yourself notifications from the shell
    • example (run python manage.py shell from fcm-django-web-demo/mysite):
       from firebase_admin.messaging import Message, Notification
       from fcm_django.models import FCMDevice
       device = FCMDevice.objects.all().first()
       device.send_message(notification=Notification(title='title', body='message'))
  • voila :)

optional HTTPS support

  • why would you want to do this? because service workers will not work on http, unless you are running them on localhost
  • generate certificate and key with openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem in fcm-django-web-demo
  • in fcm-django-web-demo/frontend:
    • update URL protocol to https and localhost to your server's IP address in index.html
    • run frontend server with python server.py
  • in fcm-django-web-demo/mysite:
    • add your server's IP address to allowed hosts in project settings (shell example: echo "ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['']" > mysite/local_settings.py)
    • run backend server with python manage.py runsslserver --certificate ../cert.pem --key ../key.pem
  • testing this demo in Chrome may require to run it with --ignore-certificate-errors flag to avoid SSL certificate fetch errors
  • during the testing allow untrusted connections to the demo servers on browser prompt

fcm-django DRF API URL docs demo