
remove unfair sanctions by changing your services :iran:

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Tired of seeing this page? Have you ever wondered why you should even face this problem? If you think you DO DESERVE a normal life like others all around the world, stand up for your rights.

There are many unfair sanctions against our country, here I want to describe the ways in which I can switch services and etc to have nicer experience with whom respects my nationality. The rule of thumb here is not to use online services as you can.

Do you have some sympathy too?

If you've substituted a service with a one under sanctions and you are satisfied with it, let us all know!!!


Services ⚙️


@1995parham: I have switched to Tutanota instead of gmail. the experience is great and you can buy its subscription with the help of Iranicard without any problem. The switching process is easy but you must somehow let the others know about your new email and I am using the vacation responder of gmail. The persian support is good and its font also readable to me. it doesn't have any label system and cannot follow threads but I think these features are unique to gmail. I am using folders and archive emails instead of tagging them and follow thread manually by email itself.


Browser and Bookmarks

@1995parham: Firefox is awesome 💃. It works for me on reading and checking the websites. I don't use browsers for listening to music etc.

Password Manager

@1995parham: I store my passwords using gopass on Github.


@1995parham: Github container registry is faster, free and respects nationalities. you only needs to build and push your images into it by using the github actions. consider the following example:

  name: docker
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - lint
    - test
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1
    - uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
    - uses: docker/login-action@v1
        registry: ghcr.io
        username: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
        password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    - uses: docker/metadata-action@v3
      id: meta
        images: ghcr.io/1995parham/saf
        tags: |
    - uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
        file: "build/package/Dockerfile"
        context: .
        platforms: linux/amd64
        push: true
        tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
        labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }}


@1995parham: Podman is a safer alternative to docker with a more welcoming community. I only use it on linux, and it needs more time to setup comparing to docker but it doesn't solve the dockerhub sanctions. you can check my setup from dotfiles.

Google Keep

@1995parham: I write my notes on emacs org-mode and sync it with Github. you need learn org-mode first and for it toke 3 or 4 weeks.


@1995parham: I write my latex document on my own system. with some scripts is far better than overleaf experience. you check my dotfiles to installing texlive.

@elahe-dastan: I used to write my thesis in latex using overleaf, it's not only hard to write persian in overleaf but also makes me frustrated that everyday I should change my VPN cause the former one is recognized so I started to use emacs and keep the files on my github repo, even the experience of writing persian in emacs is way better.


@1995parham: I use emacs org-mode for my tasks, tracking them and etc. without any problem. I also sync them with Github.


@1995parham: Sadly I must use golang because it is my primary language but sites like go.dev are free but currently I am trying to switch. Languages like Rust or Zig are free and awesome replacement for Go.

Dropbox, Google Drive

@1995parham: I use Syncthing to share files between my system without any issue.


@mhezarei: While developing Deep Learning models, one might need to read the framework's documents or download its pre-trained models. You need to get past the "sanction page" to do anything that needs downloading/loading from the Tensorflow website.

PyTorch, on the other hand, won't bother you with any of these difficulties, and you can develop and learn about Deep Learning without any worries. It is a well-known framework that doesn't need much of an introduction.

PyTorch will provide you with almost everything Tensorflow offers with no form of sanctions or bans. You can read the website's documentation for more information.