
Software for paper "Bayesian Adaptive Design for Concurrent Trials Involving Biologically-Related Diseases"

Primary LanguageR


Software for paper "Bayesian Adaptive Design for Concurrent Trials Involving Biologically-Related Diseases"

All programs are setup to be executed on a Linux computing cluster using R (3.6.0).The paths referenced in all programs will need to be updated for the code to work. Once all paths are updated, one can use the SLURM scheduler shell scripts to submit jobs on a SLURM-based computing cluster.

Folder “BHM” contains programs needed (shell script, R, Rcpp) to generate the results in the main paper using Bayesian hierarchical model.


CLUSTER-SCRIPT --- contains shell script used to submit programs on clusters

	     BATCH-BINOMIAL.sh: Shell script to run R program that generates operating characteristics under an identical endpoints case (for example, binary endpoints)
	     BATCH-MIXED.sh: Shell script to run R program that generates operating characteristics under a different endpoints case

SOURCE --- contains Rcpp program used to generate operating characteristics like type I error rate, power, etc. It takes the inputs from R and also outputs results to R.

	     souce-bhm.rcpp: Generates estimates of power, type I error rate, bias of posterior mean, etc. for both identical and different endpoints cases. 

PROGRAMS --- contains R code to call the Rcpp programs and save the desired results

	     bhm-binomial.R: Contains inputs corresponding to an identical endpoints case
	     bhm-mixed.R: Contains inputs corresponding to a different endpoints case

RESULTS_BINOMIAL --- contains an example result file of an identical endpoints case

RESULTS_MIXED --- contains an example result file of a different endpoints case

Inputs for R programs (bhm_binomial.R and bhm_mixed.R have the same types of inputs):

nSims          ----  number of simulation studies to perform

nMC            ----  number of MCMC samples per analysis

K0             ----   number of baskets (i.e., indications)

data.types     ----   data type for each indication

out.Parms      ----   normal distribution parameters for outcome ascertainment times

target.n       ----   targeted sample size

ppEffCrit      ----   posterior probability critical value (efficacy)

ppFutCrit      ----  posterior probability critical value (futility)

true.parms     ----   model parameters for data generation for each basket in list format

Folder “BMA” contains programs needed (shell script, R, Rcpp) to generate the results in the main paper using Bayesian model averaging approach.


CLUSTER-SCRIPT --- contains shell script used to submit programs on clusters

	     BATCH-BINOMIAL.sh: Shell script to run R program that generates operating characteristics under an identical endpoints case (for example, binary endpoints)
	     BATCH-MIXED.sh: Shell script to run R program that generates operating characteristics under a different endpoints case

SOURCE --- contains Rcpp program used to generate operating characteristics like type I error rate, power, etc. It takes the inputs from R and also outputs results to R.

	     souce-bma.rcpp: Generates estimates of power, type I error rate, bias of posterior mean, etc. for both identical and different endpoints cases. 

PROGRAMS --- contains R code to call the Rcpp programs and save the desired results

	     bma-binomial.R: Contains inputs corresponding to an identical endpoints case
	     bma-mixed.R: Contains inputs corresponding to a different endpoints case

RESULTS_BINOMIAL --- contains an example result file of an identical endpoints case

RESULTS_MIXED --- contains an example result file of a different endpoints case

Inputs for R programs (bma_binomial.R and bma_mixed.R have the same types of inputs):

nSims           ----  number of simulation studies to perform

K0              ----   number of baskets (i.e., indications)

data.types      ----   data type for each indication

enr.Parms       ----   rate parameter for exponential interarrival times for each basket

out.Parms       ----   normal distribution parameters for outcome ascertainment times

target.n        ----   targeted sample size

ppEffCrit       ----   posterior probability critical value (efficacy)

ppFutCrit       ----  posterior probability critical value (futility)

prior.stats     ----  sufficient statistics for conjugate priors for each basket in list format

a0              ----   value of power in conjugate power prior;

true.parms      ----   model parameters for data generation for each basket in list format

Folder “AppendixA” contains programs needed (shell script, R, Rcpp) to generate the results in Appendix A of the supplementary materials.


CLUSTER-SCRIPT --- contains shell script used to submit programs on clusters

	   AppenA.sh: Shell script to run R program that generates operating characteristics under a different endpoints case (for example, binary endpoints)

SOURCE --- contains Rcpp program used to generate operating characteristics like type I error rate, power, etc. It takes the inputs from R and also outputs results to R.

	   prior_c.rcpp: Approximates the marginal likelihoods using partition-weighted kernel estimator
	   souce-bma-A.rcpp: Generates estimates of power, type I error rate, bias of posterior mean, etc. a different endpoints case, using the marginal likelihoods approximated from “prior_c.rcpp”

PROGRAMS --- contains R code to call the Rcpp programs and save the desired results

	   bma_A.R: Contains inputs corresponding to a different endpoints case and outputs results for TableA1-A2

RESULTS --- contains an example result file of a different endpoints case

Inputs of bma_A.R:

 nSims          ----  number of simulation studies to perform

 K0             ----   number of baskets (i.e., indications)

 covs           ----  whether there is a binary covariate, 0 = no, 1 = yes

 data.types     ----   data type for each indication

 data.links     ----   GLM links 

 output         ----   output risk/mean difference

 enr.Parms      ----   rate parameter for exponential interarrival times for each basket

 out.Parms      ----   normal distribution parameters for outcome ascertainment times

 target.n       ----   targeted sample size

 ppEffCrit      ----   posterior probability critical value (efficacy)

 ppFutCrit      ----  posterior probability critical value (futility)

 prior.stats    ----  sufficient statistics for conjugate priors for each basket in list format

 a0             ----   value of power in conjugate power prior;

 true.parms     ----   model parameters for data generation for each basket in list format

 init.theta     ----   initial values used for MCMC

 piZ            ----   distribution parameters of treatment: Ber(piZ)

 piX            ----   distribution parameters of baseline covariate: Ber(piX)

 lower_limits   ----   lower limits for slice sampling

 upper_limits   ----  upper limits for slice sampling

 slice_widths   ----  widths for slice sampling