
Flights to Mainland China Checker during COVID-19 situation


1. 测试地址点这里. Here is the Test Page.

2. 更新日志/Change Log:

  • 07/13/2020 v0.4:
  1. 添加进度条实时显示查询进度/A progressbar is added for checking the real-time progress
  • 07/12/2020 v0.3:
  1. 添加日韩地区的航线检索/Flights from Japan & Korea added
  2. 添加更多货币选择/More currency added (JPY & KRW)
  • 07/11/2020 v0.2: 优化爬取速度和界面/Optimize speed and GUI
          v0.1: 正式上线,包含欧美航线地区检索/First Online version