This course dives into the basics of machine learning using an approachable, and well-known programming language, Python.
In this course, I did reviewed two main components:
- First, I learned about the purpose of Machine Learning and where it applies to the real world.
- Second, I got a general overview of Machine Learning topics such as supervised vs unsupervised learning, model evaluation and Machine Learning algorithms.
In this course, it was possible to practice with real-life examples of Machine learning and see how it affects society in ways I may not have guessed!
By just putting in a few hours a week, this is what i got.
- Review some skills such as regression, classification, clustering, sci-kit learn and SciPy
- New projects, including cancer detection, predicting economic trends, predicting customer churn, recommendation engines, and many more.
- And a certificate in machine learning.
- Simple Linear Regression.
- Multiple Linear Regression.
- Polynomial Regression.
- Non-linear Regression.
- K-Nearest Neighbors.
- Decision Trees.
- Logistic Regression.
- Suport Vector Machine - Cancer detection.
- K-Means - Customer Segmentation.
- Hierarchical Clustering - Cars clustering.
- DBSCAN - Weather Station Clustering.
- Colaborative Filtering - Creation of a recommendation system.
- Content Based Filtering - Creation of a recommendation system.
- Final project with full pipeline and aplication of classification algorithms: KNN, Decision Treens, SVM and Logistic Regression .
Warm Regards,
Aya Nabil