
A collection of utilities for drawing legend and gradient marker.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


A collection of utilities based on d3.v3.x for drawing legend.


  • familiar syntax with d3 and simple to use
  • d3.util.vLegend can tell you how much space should be spared before legend drawing
  • d3.util.sLegend will give a stream-like legend layout
  • other useful utilities


    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script src="source/d3-v3.5.17.min.js"></script>
    <script src="d3-util.js"></script>


# d3.util.extend (target, source)

Shallow copy properties from source object to target object. This function performes like d3.rebind.

# d3.util.getTBox (texts, [style])

Return how much space a text or texts can ocupied at the specified style.

  • If texts is a string this function will return an object like this:
      { text: "text content", width: 15.24, height: 5.36 }
  • If texts is an array containing texts it will return an array of objects represented each dimmension:
      [{ text: "text content", width: 15.24, height: 5.36 }, ... ]
  • style is optional, the default value is:
      {"font": "12px arial, sans-serif"}

# d3.util.vLegend ()

vertical legend

Constructs a new vertical layout legend.

Following basic methods are shared with stream legend, which will return the legend instance itself if val is specified:


If val is specified, set the font style of legend to val. The defualt value is:

{"font": "12px arial, sans-serif"}

If val is not specified, return the default value.


If val is specified, set the row span to val. The defualt row span is: 5.


Specify the legend title. If val is empty string or not specified, return the default one which is "". If title is empty the legend will not spare space for it and legend.size will ignore it.


val could be a symbol string or accessor function. If this value is not specified return the default one: "circle". More detail information please referance to d3.svg.symbol.


Specify the symbol size or just return the default value: 64. More detail information please referance to symbol.size.


Specify the padding between symbol and the right side text. If val is not given return the default value: 5.


val could be a color string or accessor function. If this value is not specified return the default one: "blue".

legend.data([array], [accessor])

The array data will be joined to each legend item. the accessor function behave like the map function specifing the item text. The default accessor function is:

  function (d) { return d; }

If no arguments is specified return null.


Return the legend itself and erase the dimmension witch legend.size() will return. Normally, this plug will flush dimmension automatically when setting rowSpan, fontStyle, title, symbolSize, symRight and data.

Following method are only applied to vertical legend:


Return the dimmension of the legend, like this: { width: 123.5, height: 75.3 }. If the dimmension is pre-calculated this method will return the catched one. The benefit of this method is that peopel can figure out how much space the legend can be accommodated.


After configuration of this legend, just simply revoke like this: selection.call(legend.draw).

# d3.util.sLegend ()

stream legend


Return the dimmension of the legend, like this: { width: 123.5, height: 75.3 }. If the dimmension is pre-calculated this function will return the catched.


Specify legend with. If not specified ruturn the default value: 150. Note: if the longest item is longer than width, this plug will not extend legend width.


Specify adjacent items horizontal distance. If not specified return the default value: 5.


Return an array of items information:

      text  : "text content",
      width : 178.55, // item width(symbol width + symRight + text width)
      height: 78.5,   // item height(the greater one in text height and symbol height)
      x     : 0,      // item x coordinate
      y     : 0,      // item y coordinate
      value : d       // original value
  /* ... */


Overwrite the base prototype. This methord will flush legend height and legend nodes.


After configuration of this legend, just simply revoked like this: selection.call(legend.draw).