This is a stub application that runs on the VeriFone Verix series of POS machines. It requires the VeriFone Verix V SDK in order to compile the code and sign the binary. File listing: bitmaps.c - a font that has been encoded into a large array. btcui.c - the main() function so far. cards.vft - a dummy font file needed by VeriFone to enable raster access to the full LCD display dl.bat - a batch file that downloads the compiled application to a terminal via serial port. lcdgraphics.c,h - code that renders text into a 128x64 bitmap for the display Makefile - builds the app. platform.h - header for a series of abstraction calls for the OS, to help enable cross-platform support VerixPlatform.c - platform-specific calls for VeriFone Verix. vfbtc.dld - options and file listing for the serial downloader vfbtc.fst - file signing config file for the VF file signing tool