
A python3 package which Can Create Images From url, Html-CSS, Svg and from any readable file and texts with many setup features.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


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A python3 package which Can Create Images From url, Html-CSS, Svg and from any readable file and texts with many setup features.

Setup & Installation

  • Install HtmlWebShot:

    $ pip3 install htmlwebshot
  • Install wkhtmltopdf:

    • Debian/Ubuntu:
      $ apt-get install wkhtmltopdf -y  
    • MacOs:
      $ brew install homebrew/cask/wkhtmltopdf
    • Alternative Support
      $ wget https://github.com/1Danish-00/HtmlWebShot/raw/main/script.sh | sh
    • Win / Arch / Others
      click here


Import & Instantiate

from htmlwebshot import WebShot
shot = WebShot()
Multiple Arguments
  • size: (int , int) : tuple : height, width default: full-screen
  • quality: int : between 1 to 100
  • delay: float : delay time in sec to load page
  • flags: list : know More
  • params: dict : know more
  • config: path setup know more

Simple Method

Using Url


Using Html File

shot.create_pic(html="myfile.html", output="picture.jpg")

Using Html with CSS

via files

shot.create_pic(html="myfile.html", css="background.css", output="picture.jpg")

via string

html = """<h1> Hello World </h1>
<p>Write something about the world.</p>"""
css = "body {background: pink;} p {color: red;}" 

shot.create_pic(html=html, css=css, output="picture.jpg")

Using Svg Or Any Other Readable File/Text

shot.create_pic(other="violin.svg", output="picture.jpg")
text = "What should I write here???"
shot.create_pic(other=text, size=(100,200))

You can use with async too

await shot.create_pic_async( # parameters are same for both

Some Examples

from htmlwebshot import WebShot
shot = WebShot()

shot.size = (110, 270)
shot.quality = 80  # maximum 100

html = """<h1> Hello World </h1>
<p>Write something about the world.</p>"""
css = "body {background: pink;} p {color: red;}"

shot.create_pic(html=html, css=css, output="picture.jpg")
Click Here To See Output Image Of Above Code. sample1
from htmlwebshot import WebShot
shot = WebShot()

shot.quality = 100
shot.params = {"--crop-x":300, "--crop-w": 400}

shot.create_pic(html="profile.html", css="profile.css")
Click Here To See Output Image Of Above Code. sample2

Click For More Examples
from htmlwebshot import WebShot
shot = WebShot()

shot.quality = 85
shot.flags = ["--enable-javascript"]

Click Here To See Output Image Of Above Code. sample4
from htmlwebshot import WebShot
shot = WebShot()

shot.flags = ["--quiet"]
shot.quality = 100

shot.create_pic(other="violin.svg", size=(500,600))
Click Here To See Output Image Of Above Code. sample3

Flags Uses

Click Here To Check All Flags:
  • --quiet: Be less verbose
  • --disable-smart-width: To force size to be accurate
  • --custom-header-propagation: Add HTTP headers specified by flag --custom-header for each resource request
  • --no-custom-header-propagation: Don't Add HTTP headers specified by flag --custom-header for each resource request
  • --disable-javascript: Don't allow web pages to run javascript
  • --enable-javascript: Allow web pages to run javascript
  • --proxy-hostname-lookup: Use the proxy for resolving hostnames
  • --stop-slow-scripts: Stop slow running javascripts
  • --no-stop-slow-scripts: Don't Stop slow running javascripts
from htmlwebshot import WebShot
shot = WebShot()
shot.flags = ["--quiet", "--enable-javascript", "--no-stop-slow-scripts"]

Available Params

Click Here To Check All Params options:
  • --bypass-proxy-for: <value> Bypass proxy for host (repeatable)
  • --cookie: <name> <value> Set an additional cookie (repeatable), value should be url encoded.
  • --cookie-jar: <path> Read and write cookies from and to the supplied cookie jar file
  • --crop-h: <int> Set height for cropping
  • --crop-w: <int> Set width for cropping
  • --crop-x: <int> Set x coordinate for cropping
  • --crop-y: <int> Set y coordinate for cropping
  • --custom-header: <name> <value> Set an additional HTTP header (repeatable)
  • --encoding: <encoding> Set the default text encoding, for input
  • --format: <format> Output file format
  • --minimum-font-size: <int> Minimum font size
  • --password: <password> HTTP Authentication password
  • --post: <name> <value> Add an additional post field (repeatable)
  • --post-file: <name> <path> Post an additional file (repeatable)
  • --proxy: <proxy> Use a proxy
  • --run-script: <js> Run this additional javascript after the page is done loading (repeatable)
  • --ssl-crt-path: <path> Path to the ssl client cert public key in OpenSSL PEM format, optionally followed by intermediate ca and trusted certs
  • --ssl-key-password: <password> Password to ssl client cert private key
  • --ssl-key-path: <path> Path to ssl client cert private key in OpenSSL PEM format
  • --user-style-sheet: <path> Specify a user style sheet, to load with every page
  • --username: <username> HTTP Authentication username
  • --window-status: <windowStatus> Wait until window.status is equal to this string before rendering page
  • --zoom: <float> Use this zoom factor
from htmlwebshot import WebShot
shot = WebShot()
shot.params = {
    "--custom-header": "Accept-Encoding gzip",
    "--minimum-font-size": 50,
    "--format": "png",
    "--zoom": 10,

Config Path

If you installed pkg directly then no need to configure it, It'll auto configure.
But If u installed externally then you have to setup config path.

from htmlwebshot import WebShot, Config
shot = WebShot(
        wkhtmltopdf="C:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf\\bin\wkhtmltopdf.exe",
        wkhtmltoimage="C:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf\\bin\wkhtmltoimage.exe",