
Simple MultiForm Authentication for ADFS that tests a hard coded PIN

Primary LanguageC#


Simple MultiForm Authentication for ADFS that tests a hard coded PIN

This is based on: http://blogs.technet.com/b/cloudpfe/archive/2014/02/01/how-to-create-a-custom-authentication-provider-for-active-directory-federation-services-3-0-part-2.aspx

This basically follows the instructions to build the code. Note that you must have a reference to: Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.dll This DLL is shipped in the %WINDIR%\ADFS directory of any server where the Federation Services role is installed

Explanations to install it can be however shortened

  • install the signed DLL in the GAC
  • use Register-ADFSProvider with a typename which is constructed the following way:
  • first the full namespace name of the class implementing IAuthenticationProvider
  • a comma and a space
  • then the output of the fullname of the assembly

Detailed steps at: http://dimitri.janczak.net/2015/08/14/registering-a-custom-adfs-provider-the-easy-way/