
Example in memory todos api with json-server by Learn with Sumit


git clone git@github.com:learnwithsumit/lws-json-server-todos.git
cd lws-json-server-todos
npm install json-server
npm start

Now opens:

You now have a full REST API. Test with POSTMAN or any other REST Client):

Retrieve all (GET):

GET http://localhost:3000/todos

Retrieve one (GET):

GET http://localhost:3000/todos/1

Post a todo (POST):

POST http://localhost:3000/todos text="Learn Redux" completed=false color="red"

Update todo (PUT):

PUT http://localhost:3000/todos/3 name="Learn Redux with Learn with Sumit" completed=true color="green"

Delete todo (DELETE):

DELETE http://localhost:3000/todos/1
