
A monorepo example written with React + Tailwind + TS on the front-end and Actix.rs on the back-end.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


GH_Build_Backend IconGH_Build_Frontend IconLicense Icon


Rust Actix


React Vite TailwindCSS TypeScript HTML

A monorepo consisting of a front-end (written in React with Tailwind CSS, TypeScript and using Vite) and a back-end (written with Rust via the Actix framework).


This repository was meant to be kind of like a template for creating a full-stack web application. I chose Actix because i wanted to give Rust back-end programming another try (I didn't get very far with rocket.rs) and React for the front-end because it's widely used and it has native integration with a lot of the web development tooling.

Quick set up


  • Go to backend.

  • Make a .env file.

  • Write the following in it

  • Run the back-end.
cargo run --release


npm install
  • Run the front-end
npm run watch # or npm run build && npm run preview

Now your content is displayed on: (IPv4 localhost on port 42210).

Module explanations

You can find details about the particular modules in their corresponding README.md files.